Yoohyeon PoV
I was at home, relaxing with Dami, when I heard my phone go off. I had already received several text messages from Jiu, but I wasn't really in the mood to answer them. Although I have to admit that it was a little bit cute that she is worried about me. I wanted to dedicate today to Dami though and not get distracted by texting with Jiu.
But when I looked away from the TV and onto my phone I saw that it wasn't Jiu. My phone screen flashed signalling that I had a message, but it didn't show a name. So it was from someone that I hadn't saved in my phone. That was pretty odd. No one else at school would bother texting me that didn't know the number of. Not that I actually knew a lot of numbers of people.
Curiosity driven I unlocked my phone to read the text.
Unknown Number:
Hey Yoohyeon. I know this might maybe seem a little bit weird, but this is Gahyeon. I kind of wanted to check in with you I guess. You and Dami weren't at school today, so I just wanted to ask if everything is okay, sooo....
Plus I think Dami still has my book :(
Cute. She was probably worried for Dami. I had to smirk involuntarily.
I looked besides me at Dami, who fell asleep again. No wonder after yesterday and last night. I couldn't deny though, those two would be even cuter together. Maybe I should play cupid a little bit, I thought my smirk growing even wider.
We are fine. Thank you for asking. Both Dami and I had a pretty rough day yesterday, so we are taking a day off.
I wrote. Then I snapped a picture of sleeping Dami and attached it to my text, sending it as well.
I'm glad you are fine.
What do you mean by rough day though? Did something happen? Wait! Is it my fault? Did I do something wrong?
Awww. No, it's not your fault at all. Something happened later that day, but it's not really my place to tell.
Well, that definitely eased my worries ...
I'm sorry TT
But I can tell you're worried about Dami ;)
Say Hi to Jiu btw :)
And tell her I'm sorry too, I will answer her soon
I smirked again, attaching Damis number and sending it to Gahyeon. I know that if Dami finds out that I have given her number to Gahyeon I will probably die, but I just had to. In the name of love, of course, hehe. If I leave it to just those two they would probably end nowhere. So I need to help a little every now and then. Maybe I should talk to Jiu, she could help as well.
I decided I already did enough for one day. Dami isn't really the person to rush into stuff like this. She usually needs time to arm up to people and to understand her own feelings and thoughts. So I put my phone aside and concentrated on the TV again.
Dami Pov
Spending the day at home with Yoohyeon was nice. I really didn't realize I needed that. All night and day I tried to forget what happened yesterday evening, but it always popped back into my head. I had problems falling asleep, but luckily Yoohyeon was there, so I could actually relax a little, knowing she was here.

Breaking Out // Gahmi
FanfictionDreamcatcher Highschool AU, Slow Burn In where Dami is an introverted nerd and Gahyeon is being forced to be a mean girl. Mainly Gahmi, but also Jiyoo and Suayeon and Handong x Yeongeun (Rolling Quartz)