Sua PoV
I knew today was going to be boring as hell when Yoohyeon texted me in the morning, saying that both she and Dami won't be coming to school today. But I underestimated just how iring it would get. The whole day I was filled with a mixture of boredom and worry.
I texted Yoohyeon back and asked what was going on, what had happened that would make them stay away from school, but she never replied. I even tried to text Dami, but didn't receive a response either.
So I kind of just trotted through my day. I might not know those two for a long time, but they already grew on me. So I felt kind of lonely. Especially since they were kind of the only people I had talked to. I tried to talk to a few other people, but got either rejected or ignored. I guess no one really wants to hang out with the new kid.
The only other students I had talked to were Handong and her gang. They didn't seem very open for new people, they struck me as rather hostile. To be honest, all I wanted was to stay as far away from them as possible anyway. I got to know people like them and I had learned. At the end of the day queen bees like Handong and their fellow stuck-ups are always the same. I figured that out the hard way and I wouldn't make the same mistake twice.
I was mostly bored today, so my head kept replaying scenes from the day of the party. That night showed me once more just how much I hated people like Handong. And even though my first priority is to stay away, if it will come down to it I know for sure that I would stand up against her. Not for my sake, but for Yoohyeons and Damis. And probably the rest of this damned highschool.
Handong clearly seemed to be in charge and enjoying her power, but for the others of her crew I wasn't so sure. Gahyeon seemed mostly scared and her auro screamed rather innocent cinnamon roll, than Queen bees side bitch, but I could be mistaken. And while Jiu seemed really intimidating at first, I could have sworn I had seen her armor crack a little bit that night. Maybe she didn't want to be in this position either. Both of them seemed rather uncomfortable with their roles. But maybe I'm just seeing things that aren't even there to begin with. With what happened last time I trusted people, I wasn't willing to risk anything.
I kept thinking about them more and more today, but my head would always end up with the other girl left in her gang, Siyeon. Especially her piercing eyes. I had seen something in them that night, I could swear on that. But I'm not sure what I had seen exactly. All I know is that I keep thinking about them. Thinking about her.
I can't really seem to figure her out yet. Usually I'm pretty good at reading people, well mostly, but she is like a book in a language I can't speak. Maybe there is a ton of important information right in front of me, but I couldn't even decipher them if I tried. A mystery so to say.
All day my mind kept rattling about her, but it brought me no step further. Not that I cared or wanted to get further.
Once again I tried to shake all of those thoughts out of my head and follow the class instead. No matter how hard I tried though, my mind always went back. Absentmindedly I played with the piece of paper in my hands. I looked down at it and found it was the little snippet with the number on it.
It was a phone number really clearly, but I had no clue why I had found it in my purse or why it was there in the first place. I didn't even have a clue who this number could belong to. I was curious, of course. Until now I didn't really have the balls to actually contact that number though.
What if it is some stalker? Or some himbo who just wants somebody to mess around with?
I shook myself, thinking about the ugly possibilities that could come out of this. But if I never try I will never know, right? And maybe there could be something good coming out of this.

Breaking Out // Gahmi
FanfictionDreamcatcher Highschool AU, Slow Burn In where Dami is an introverted nerd and Gahyeon is being forced to be a mean girl. Mainly Gahmi, but also Jiyoo and Suayeon and Handong x Yeongeun (Rolling Quartz)