Gahyeon PoV
I have been pacing in my room for several minutes now and I still haven't built up the courage to just go downstairs and talk to my parents.
"Stop pacing." Yeontae demanded from the corner of my room. Holy shit. I totally forgot he was there for a second. He was sitting at my desk, spinning circles in my chair and tapping his cheek with a pencil. My parents had decided it was a fantastic idea to have a family dinner with Yeontae, since apparently they are the bestest of friends with him. I mean, he is charming in his own way, I guess. It seems to work splendidly on my parents.
"Easy for you to say. You're not the one who is about to have the most nerve wracking conversation of a lifetime." I quipped back, still pacing.
"True." He agreed. "But pacing won't help you either way." He is right. I know he is right. Still I can't seem to settle my nerves, all the worst scenarios keep flashing through my mind. I want to be better, yes. I want to be more open and more myself and communicate exactly that to my parents. However, I don't want them to hate me. Or disown me.
Yeontae got up from his seat and stopped me in my tracks by holding my hands. I didn't discoil, but granted him the touch.
"Stop biting your nails." He said softly, holding onto my hands stronger, stopping me from moving them to my mouth. "And please, finally stop pacing. What are you afraid of?"
The contact made me surprisingly calm down. I really started to value Yeontae as a friend. He is a really good support system. "Rejection, I guess." I admitted, finally letting that concern out.
"That's a tricky one. I can't guarantee that your parents will give a good reaction. But I can tell you, that if they love you and you just speak your truth, they will accept you for who you are." He said, patting my hands, before letting them go.
"And what if they don't? Accept me, I mean?" I asked, worried. I don't want to lose my family, no matter how annoying they can be sometimes.
"Then I will accept you for them. It's not the same, I know. But if they don't love you for who you are, they don't deserve you at all."
"Aawww." I coed. Who knew he could be so sweet? "Thank you."
"No prob." He punched my shoulder slightly, before a dinging sound disturbed our little moment. Yeontae pulled out his phone and smiled goofily down at it.
"Is that from the guy you talked about?" I asked curious, trying to sneak a glance at his phone, but he expertly ducked it away from my sight.
"Maybe." He admitted, stashing his phone away after typing a reply. "We've been talking again lately and sorted through some stuff. I think I might have an actual chance with him." His smile grew wider and wider.
"I'm happy for you." I tried as best as I could to hide the little bit of sadness in my voice.
"You next." He pointed at me, wiggling his eyebrows. "I'll help you make it happen."
"So we are broken up now? One hundred percent done?" I asked, wanting to clear that up at last.
"Don't take it the wrong way, but definitely!" He chuckled.
"Thank God." I let out a breath. Maybe now a new chapter in my life could come. But first there was still something I needed to do.
"You ready?" Yeontae opened the door, looking at me expectantly.
"No?" Is sad defensively. "Can't we just sneak out and swing by McDonalds?"
"Definitely not." Yeontae rolled his eyes and held out his hand. "Let's go have a nice conversation."

Breaking Out // Gahmi
FanfictionDreamcatcher Highschool AU, Slow Burn In where Dami is an introverted nerd and Gahyeon is being forced to be a mean girl. Mainly Gahmi, but also Jiyoo and Suayeon and Handong x Yeongeun (Rolling Quartz)