Dami PoV
Finally school was over. Normally Yoo and I would be staying back and go to the library to study or read. But not today.
Since today we would go to that party (that Yoohyeon and Sua never stopped talking about since lunch), Yoohyeon decided to escort me home and pick out an outfit for me before we head over to her house, so she could change as well. If it was up to me, I would just stay in my hoodie. But alas, Yoo declared that as socially unacceptable. And with Sua on her side, I had no chance to neglect.
As soon as we stepped out of school we waved Sua goodbye, who was headed the other way. She will change at her place and then we would meet up later to drive to Gahyeons.
The whole way to my house I was nervous. Actually I never brought Yoohyeon to my home, believe it or not. I am not really too proud of my home situation. Up to the point where I don't even like to be home myself. Which is another reason why I'm totally fine with staying late at school. I try to spend as much time away from home as possible. To escape from my parents. Be anywhere else. It doesn't matter where, just not home. And when I'm actually home headphones and a book are my best friends.
What is wrong with me today?
I didn't even manage to say one word on our way, I was that nervous. Luckily the walk is just 10 minutes. Yoo didn't seem to mind though. We just enjoyed the comfortable silence. Which was rare to say the least, since usually I can't bring her to shut up.
As we reached my house I grabbed my backpack searching for keys. My tenseness made it hard to grab a hold of them. I kept shuffling.
At least until Yoo grabbed a hold of me softly. Stroking my arms slowly.
"It's fine. You don't have to worry about what I might see behind this door. I don't know what exactly it is that it makes you that nervous for me to see it, but I can deal with it. I promise. Whatever it is, I know you don't really want me to experience it, since you never brought me here before, even though we are friends for a while now. And you've been to my place a couple of times before. But I promise, it's going to be fine. It doesn't matter what it is, I'll stick with you alright?"
Somehow she always knows how to calm me down. Encouraged by her kind words I nodded trying to make her understand that it'll be fine.
Finally I got a hold of my keys and pushed them into the lock of the door. Even though I still fiddled a little bit I managed to open the door.
As soon as I opened it I already wanted to close it again. Screams were heard all through the house. So loud you could even hear them on the street now that I opened the door.
So my parents were fighting again. Just like I had expected. They always fight. On good days it was just screaming. But a lot of times they would even throw things like plates.
"Go to hell!" I heard my Dad scream full of rage. "And take that bastard child of yours with you!"
"How can you call our daughter like that?" my Mom questioned.
"No way! There is no way this fuck up is my child." my Dads voice shot back. Shortly after that I could hear the sound of something shattering echo through the house.
I know my parents hate me. Hate who I am. I also know that my parents never wanted to have a child in the first place. Which didn't help my situation as the black sheep in the family.
I hate this place so much. I really don't like to be home. But sadly I had to return. But as soon as I come home headphones, loud music and a good book are my best friends. Anything just so I don't have to listen to my parents and all the ugly things they call me.

Breaking Out // Gahmi
FanficDreamcatcher Highschool AU, Slow Burn In where Dami is an introverted nerd and Gahyeon is being forced to be a mean girl. Mainly Gahmi, but also Jiyoo and Suayeon and Handong x Yeongeun (Rolling Quartz)