Dami PoV
It took Gahyeon storming out and Yoohyeon slinging one of her arms around my shoulders for me to snap out of my trance.
"What just happened?" I mumbled more to myself and not expecting an answer.
"I'd say you got yourself a girlfriend." Yoohyeon answered, nudging my shoulder and laughing.
I shook my head again, trying to comprehend what had happened. Meanwhile Yoohyeon pushed my hand back down that was still in the same position as before, still laughing at me.
"Oh, this is going to be fun!" she said with a smirk, nudging me again.
"No. It's - It's not like that, Yooh!" I tried to protest, but it made Yoohyeon smirk even more.
"Yeah. Sure." she said, now even wiggling her eyebrows. "By the way, have you finished your homework yet. I still need to do mine. We could go home and do them together?"
"No. I went straight here after school. I only stopped at home to get Gahyeons book."
"Someone was eager?" she wiggled her eyebrows again, earning a slap on her arm. "And you mean that book?" she pointed towards a book on the floor.
I looked down towards the spot we were sitting earlier and spotted Gahyeons book.
Why did she leave it here? Didn't she want it back so bad? I mean, wasn't the whole point in meeting up so she could get her book back and now she forgot to take it with her? I wonder why she left so fast anyway. Did I do something wrong? Did I say something wrong? Was she uncomfortable in Yoohyeon seeing us talk? So many questions were swirling in my head right now.
Carefully I picked up the book and hugged it to my chest. I guess I have to give it back to her tomorrow. Dang, why didn't I ask for her phone number? That would have made it easier to contact her that I still had her book. And we could have set a place and time when I could give it back to her. But of course I wasn't that smart. Well I guess it couldn't be so hard to find her tomorrow at school anyway. I just hope I will get a chance to give the book back to her.
"Come on, lovestruck puppy. Let's go home. We got work to do." Yoohyeon hit my back, snapping me out of my thoughts once again.
"I'm not a puppy! I'm a panda! You're the puppy!" I argued trying to hit Yoohyeon back, but she escaped out of my reach. I sprinted after her, chasing her through the whole shelter.
"I'm glad that that is what you decided to comment on, my little lovesick panda." She mocked me, laughing while trying to keep up her pace to stay unscolded.
"Ya!" I yelled, quickening my pace to finally reach her. Luckily for me hre laughing soon made her start to cough and stop in her tracks. I landed a big hit on her back, finally getting my revenge. It made Yoohyeon collapse onto the floor and I followed after her, trying to catch my breath.
For a few minutes we just stayed on the ground, regulating our breathing and relaxing our burning muscles.
"We should go home though, I really need to finish an assignment for tomorrow." I gave in, but not without glaring at Yoohyeon with a death stare.
"Let's head home then, panda. I need some help with my literature homework too."
"So that is why you suggested doing homework together! You want me to do your literature homework!"
"Fine! But only if you help me with chemistry."

Breaking Out // Gahmi
FanfictionDreamcatcher Highschool AU, Slow Burn In where Dami is an introverted nerd and Gahyeon is being forced to be a mean girl. Mainly Gahmi, but also Jiyoo and Suayeon and Handong x Yeongeun (Rolling Quartz)