Gahyeon PoV
Trust me when I say, I never wanted any of this. Not like this anyway. But alas here I am. Stuck in a role, I don't even want to be in.
It's pretty funny actually. How everybody envies me for being the new member of Handongs "holy reign". The new popular kid, the new princess of the school. Everybody wants to be that. Wants to have that power. Be that popular. Or just be safe from Handongs tormenting.
But nobody sees, what you need to sacrifice to get there.
I do. And I'd rather be anywhere or anybody else, but this.
Heck, I would even go back to who I was before.
A loner. A nerd, sort of. Not really seen by anyone. I didn't care about anyone and no one cared about me. I wanted to concentrate on getting good grades, which is why I usually never talked to anyone. Relationships mean responsibilities. Don't get me wrong. I don't dislike people. I just thought it was easier that way. Not that anybody wanted to be my friend anyway.
Of course I looked up to Handong and her crew, hoping one day i might be just as popular as them. Be seen, you know.
People actually know my name now, which I do have to admit is quite nice. I don't really hate the popularity in itself. Actually I kind of like it. Finally getting recognised. Not getting bumped in constantly. Not getting ignored by everyone.
Before, I was pretty much invisible. But not anymore.
When the school year started and I walked in the first day, makeup on, all new clothes and safely in Handongs pack, everyone stared at me. I heard whispers and rumour all day. Who is this girl? Is she new here? I think she is a transfer. But I'm not. I've been going to this very school all my life. But now, everyone acts like I'm completely new here.
Now people act all nice around me, all the time.
And I know damn well, that all of their niceness is just fake. An act, to not get on Handongs bad side or mine.
But that's not even what I hate most about this. What I hate the most is how Handong and her gang are treating people. They might treat me as their friend, but they are constantly tormenting everyone else at school, just to get what they want. But most of the time they don't even want something from them. They do it for fun. It actually breaks my heart a little every time they would treat another high schooler like trash.
I can't really do anything about it. I wish I could. No One deserves to be treated like this.
I know, you might wonder: Why don't just ditch them? Stand up to them?
Well. I guess I'm too scared and too shy to actually go through with that.
All I want is for my parents to be proud of me and if that's the way, then so be it.
"Honey! Please come down. We've got guests." my dad yelled trying to get me to go downstairs. I groan. I'm not really in the mood though. Who knows who those guests are. As per usual my parents didn't fill me in on what is happening. As much as I didn't wanted to talk to some strangers today, my curiosity won. Making me go down.
As soon as I stepped of the stairs, still wrapped up in a comfy hoodie (at this point i didn't give a f* about how i look, you come to my home, you have to bare with sweats), I saw my parents sitting at our living room table with two other parents and a girl, with blond hair.
The girl turned around to look at me and i gasped. It's Jiu. One of the girls in Handongs crew. I didn't quite recognise her at first. Apparently she dyed her hair blond this summer break, making her look completely different from what I'm used to. Actually it makes her look even scarier and confident, than she looked before, which was already a lot.

Breaking Out // Gahmi
FanfictionDreamcatcher Highschool AU, Slow Burn In where Dami is an introverted nerd and Gahyeon is being forced to be a mean girl. Mainly Gahmi, but also Jiyoo and Suayeon and Handong x Yeongeun (Rolling Quartz)