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Dami PoV

"I think I just did something terrible." Jiu sighed while plopping down next to me, slamming her lunch on the table dramatically. She quickly pecked Yoohyeon on the cheek. Then she stabbed at some fries with her fork, before eventually stuffing them in her mouth like it's the most normal thing in the world. Like she's been sitting at our table and talking to us for ages.

The fuck. Am I missing something here? Since when does Jiu sit at our table and not over at Handongs?

I raised my eyebrow at Yoohyeon, who just shrugged my way.

"Nah. It was definitely the right call." Siyeon sat down on my other side. Okay? What the hell is going on? Now I'm confused big time.

"Well. Now we just have to believe in the humanity in Handong and everything should work out fine." Sua scratched her neck, ducking her head at Siyeons gaze. So she is in on whatever the f is going on too? Am I the only one missing out on what is happening?

"You sure there still is some?" Now Yoohyeon chimed in too, a smile playing on her lips.

I guess I really am the only one out of the loop, huh? "Wha-" I started, but I couldn't even form a proper question to start to understand the situation right now. There were too many questions piling up in my head, I didn't know where to start. Curious, I looked around our table, taking everyone in, but nobody seemed to realize how odd the situation is. Everyone was eating their lunches in all peace. "What did you do?" I finally asked Jiu, purposefully avoiding any eye contact with Yooh.

"Oh. We ditched Handong." She answered matter of factly, shrugging with one shoulder. The gesture was meant to look carefree, but honestly it looked more like she wanted to look nonchalant, when in reality she was anything but.

"Wait, what? I wasn't aware that was an option. Is that something you can just do?"

"I guess." Jiu went back to poking in her food, downplaying whatever the hell is happening right now.

But, maybe.

Maybe, when Jiu and Siyeon managed to escape the steadfast fangs of ever looming Handong, perhaps someone else has too. Someone I would really wish for to be free of said fangs.

I looked up from my own lunch I was staring at to help me process (not that it actually worked) and craned my neck, eagerly searching for a specific table. Hoping against all odds, hoping despite the better of myself, to find a lonely Handong sitting there, contemplating her own life decisions and looking miserable.

I finally spotted what I was looking for and immediately felt my heart sink into my stomach. And of course life would not grant me my humble wish. I gritted my teeth as I watched Handong, Gahyeon and Yeontae, his arm smugly thrown around Gahyeons shoulders. At once I forced myself to look away. There is no use in yearning for something that will never be and clearly will never happen. Maybe it really has been all in my head. Maybe that day Gahyeon didn't really lean in to kiss me and I just made that up in my head. Maybe I was the only one leaning, wishing for her to feel the same way.

Instead I watched Yoohyeon gently rub Jius arm, while I was trying to fully grasp the situation. There were just too many questions swirling in my head right now. "Wait, wait, wait." I started. "What? How? When? Why?" I started with the questions the most prominent in my mind. "Start with the last one first."

Jiu shrugged nonchalantly. "It just felt right."

"I just don't understand how...?" I trailed off at the end, not sure what exactly had happened or how to name it.

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