Dami PoV
It took a couple of minutes, but eventually I managed to calm down from the events. They just proved one more time that my parents are simply awful people.
Yoohyeon seemed to realize that I was calming down as well and slowly let go of her grip on me. I gave her a once over and luckily she looked like she didn't get harmed. I don't think I would ever forgive myself if something happened to her through the hands of my parents.
I looked over to Yoohs mom and she seemed unharmed as well. I sighed of relief, knowing that nobody else got physically hurt. In front of her were the two cups of tea she made for us but were probably already cold. She shot me a little smile before her phone started to ring and she quickly answered. She was talking very quietly so I couldn't quite catch what the call was about but she seemed to be in distress, arguing with the person on the other side of the line.
After a minute she hung up the call and slowly made her way over to us.
"I just talked with the police station." she started. "They want us in for questioning but I made it very clear to them that both of you were in no state for it. They said it's fine but I still need to head over though to answer some stuff for them. Will you two be fine?"
I nodded, grateful that she managed to talk them out of questioning us. At least for now. The police station was the last place I wanted to be, especially not if my Dad was there as well.
Yoohyeon carefully looked at me, before nodding as well. "I think the worst part is over now." she said.
Yoohs mom seemed satisfied enough with our answers and turned around and walked towards the door. Just as she was about to open it, Yoohyeon spoke up again.
"Thanks mom."
She opened the door and left, not without turning around one last time to check if we were really okay.
I woke up the next day on the couch, cuddled into Yoohyeons side. After what had happened yesterday she refused to leave my side at all times. Even after repeatedly telling her I was fine now, she still wouldn't budge.
We had spent the rest of the day just relaxing and recharging from the events. We drank the tea that Yoohs mom made, even though we had to warm it up in the microwave because it was pretty much ice tea at that point. We launched ourselves on the couch, just watching TV, trying to keep our minds away from what happened.
After some time Yoohyeons mom came back home, smiling at us and preparing some food. Although no one of us really was that hungry and neither of us ate much. We didn't even have the energy to get up from the couch so we just decided to sleep there.
I cuddled closer to Yooh and let yesterday's events go through my mind again. So much had happened and I couldn't really process it all yet. I still couldn't believe that my own Dad would go to such lengths and just come here and assault me and my friend and her mom. I honestly never thought that he would be capable of doing something like that. But I guess I was wrong.
But not only that replayed in my mind. I also thought about what happened in the pet shelter. With Gahyeon. The memory made me smile involuntarily.
Sadly it also reminded me that Yoohyeon and I originally wanted to do our homework together. Which we didn't do yesterday, for obvious reasons. I panicked slightly, looking around for a clock just to realize that it was already way past time for school.
I was confused to why Yoohs mom didn't wake us up in time. I tried to push myself away from Yooh in an attempt of getting up, but she drew me closer to her, holding me in her embrace.

Breaking Out // Gahmi
FanfictionDreamcatcher Highschool AU, Slow Burn In where Dami is an introverted nerd and Gahyeon is being forced to be a mean girl. Mainly Gahmi, but also Jiyoo and Suayeon and Handong x Yeongeun (Rolling Quartz)