Gahyeon Pov
Only as the bell rang did I manage to take my eyes off her. I know I had to, even though everything in me to just continue staring at her for the rest of the day. But I really don't want her to think of me as some creep.
Not that I would have had the chance anyway. As soon as the bell rang, Handong already jumped out of her seat and harshly grabbed my arm, dragging me to the cafeteria.
The moment I dreaded all day has come. Lunch time. Or in my case, torture time. I really don't want to have to spend the next half hour with Handong, Siyeon and Jiu talking trash behind innocent peoples backs again. Or worse may have to witness them bully again. I really had enough of that for today.
I mean, Jiu is mostly fine. Unless she got provoked she doesn't torment people that much anymore like she used to. Honestly, she is genuinely the only person I'm looking forward to right now.
At least I got food.
As Handong and I arrived in the cafeteria, with obviously everyone staring at us while we entered, we sat down at the table that is pretty much labeled as Handongs by now. Nobody ever dares to even come close to that table. It is surprisingly a little bit set away and excluded from all the other tables. You would think Handong wants to be the center of attention even at lunch and take a table, where everyone can stare at her. But for some reason she chose this one.
Annoyed, I slumped down on my seat beside Jiu and took out my lunch. She nudged me in the side softly, but I ignored it focussing on my lunch, not really in the mood to talk.
"you good?" she asked.
I just hummed.
"You don't actually plan on eating this right?" Handong looked at me with a raised eyebrow.
"What?" I questioned with my mouth already stuffed with my lunch.
"All I'm saying is that you probably shouldn't eat this. If you want to stay in this group, you need to lose some of that baby fat." she responded nonchalantly, before turning toward Siyeon deep in their own conversation.
Excuse you. Did she just call me too fat?
I know that I'm far away from skinny and to be honest I always felt insecure about my body. I always thought that I had too much weight. I have a sweet tooth. What can I do? I was fine before, when I could hide my body under oversized hoodies, but now that Handong wants me to wear all those skinny sexy clothes I feel more aware of my body and even more insecure. I really don't like the way I am looking right now. Handong even told me to stop wearing my glasses and get contacts or walk around blind like a mole. So now I don't even have them to hide behind. My body is full on display and I hate it.
Jiu seemed to feel my uncomfort and hugged my side.
"That's a little bit harsh don't you think?" she snapped at Handong while pulling me closer to her.
"It's the truth. Stop babying her. She needs to grow up at one point or another." she replied halfheartedly.
And now she is calling me a baby, great.
If I want to stay in this group, which to be honest I really don't, but sadly have to for my parents sake, I have to step up my game. I can't fail my parents.
Think, Gahyeon, think.
Oh, I know.
If there is one thing that Handong and the gang truly love, it's parties. And my birthday is coming up soon, this weekend to be precise. Maybe I should let her throw a party at my place to get on her good side and hopefully not get kicked out. Plus my parents are probably all for it and all proud seeing me socialise.

Breaking Out // Gahmi
FanfictionDreamcatcher Highschool AU, Slow Burn In where Dami is an introverted nerd and Gahyeon is being forced to be a mean girl. Mainly Gahmi, but also Jiyoo and Suayeon and Handong x Yeongeun (Rolling Quartz)