Chapter 15

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•𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝗙𝗶𝗳𝘁𝗲𝗲𝗻•--------------------------

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•𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝗙𝗶𝗳𝘁𝗲𝗲𝗻•

Harry was excited to go to Hogwarts. He heard many fascinating stories about the place, told by his parents or his uncles and aunts. Of course, he will miss his best friend, Emily, but on the bright side he still had Neville. Harry unbuckled his seat belt and bolted out of the car while his dad got his trunk. His mother got a trolley and they set the trunk and his owl cage on it.

Muggles left and right, waiting to board their train. In the crowded train station, the Potter family passed as ordinary muggle people. Soon, Harry, Lily and James arrived to platform 9 and 10.

"Just run through the wall, sweetie, It'll be alright. Dad and I'll be right behind you." His mother said putting her hands, gently on his shoulder.

But being James and Lily Potter's son, Harry had some confidence and bravery that exceeded anyone's expectations. Even his own, sometimes. He clutched the trolley firmly and ran directly into the wall. After an amazing feeling of cold air being blown right into him, Harry found himself in a completely diffrent place. A big, scarlet train was infront of him, children saying goodbye to their parents and soon his parents appeared right behind him.

"This is it then, you're finally leaving to Hogwarts." He father said, his usual grin on his face "Now, Harry, on this train, I meat your uncle Sirius and uncle Remus and uncle Peter- who you probably don't remember, but he was a good friend of mine. So my advice for you is that you can friends of a lifetime on that train, so choose wisely. But no pressure, you have seven years of learning, pranking and fun ahead of you." James reached for his pocket and out a peice of parchment.

"And this is the Marauder's Map. Take care of it, it has all the secret passages to Hogmeade and more fun stuff. Just tap it with your wand and say 'I solemnly swear that I am up yo no good' and a map will appear- don't lose it." James handed the peice of parchment to his son.

"Thanks dad," Harry said, smiling. "But I am in disbelief that mum has agreed to this," he continued, mockingly shocked.

"As long as you get good grades and pass, you can have some fun. Just don't get caught, okay? And if you fail one subject that is not History of Magic or Divination, I will take that map away before you can blink an eye. I'll know everything as I will going to Hogwarts too, later today." Lily said and ruffled her son's hair.

He had almost forgot that his mother will be teaching him potions. She and his father had talked about it and since last year she has been dissaperating to Hogsmeade every morning and making her way to Hogwarts, then coming back home at night, everyday.

"Dang mum, you can be bad sometimes." He said sarcastically, Lily just winked at him.

"Well, you better get on the train."

"Yeah, goodbye!" Harry said, "Tell Em not to miss me too much, I'll be back by Christmas."

Lily and James chuckled as they exchanged hugs with their son. Harry then made his way to the train, trying to find Neville. After passing many compartments full of students, Harry found him sitting alone in a compartment. He slid the door open and walked in.

"Hey Neville," Harry said, Neville looked up from the window and smiled at Harry.

"Hey mate," Neville greeted as Harry sat on the seat opposite him.

"How come you're sitting alone?" Neville wasn't the shy and afraid kid everyone thought that he was going to turn out to be; but a very confident and funny guy who likes to hang out with people and isn't afraid to be himself.

"Well, at first I entered an almost full compartment of first years like us, but they all turned out to be a bunch of idiots." He said, Harry chuckled and shook his head. "There this one blonde guy who thinks he is superior because he is so rich. But I think it is all a bunch of crap, he looked like a coward anyway." he let out a dry chuckle.

Neville always spoke his mind, even if it was the brutal truth. But he never hurt anyone with his words; he spoke his mind wisely and carefully. Because as he says,'if you sink knife deep enough, the wound will never heal.'

The train started moving forward. Harry and Neville looked out of the window and when they spotted their parents, waved at them. The truth was, they really were going to miss them. No matter how exited they are, they are going to miss their parents. But, fortunately they'll be back by Christmas. A few moments later, the compartment door slid open and a boy about their age stood in the doorway.

He had platinum blond hair and light grey eyes. His face was very pale.

"Hello, may I sit here?" he said with a drawing voice. But without waiting for a response immediately took a seat. Harry was taken aback by this sudden act, "The guys I was sitting with turned out to be a bunch of idiots."

And when neither Harry nor Neville responded he looked around the room and seemed to immediately recognize Neville.

"You're the lad that entered the compartment just a few minutes ago right?" Neville nodded and the boy held out his hand "I'm Malfoy, Draco Malfoy..."

"Does your dad happen to be Lucius Malfoy?" Harry asked. The boy nodded.

"Yeah, he is my father. But I don't remember him or anything like that. He has been in azkaban since I was a child. My mother raised me. She told me my father would have wanted me to hate muggles and muggle-borns. But she taught me to accept everyone for who they are." he said looking somewhat frightened that they were going to hate him for who his father was." And I'm sorry if it seemed like I pushed myself in, I haven't had any friends except my cousin Nymphadora, but she's much older than me. So I'm kind of new at this."

Neville chuckled and Harry managed to crack a smile.

"Don't worry mate," Harry said, as he clapped Draco on the back, "Consider us your new friends, right Neville?"

"Of course," Neville replied smirking.

Draco looked grateful and happy, he was smiling like crazy. But Draco was only the first friend Harry had made on the train that night.

A/N: I'm finally back! 🥳
After a long break, I'm finally back and more than ready to continue writing this fanfic. I have done a lot of writing practice to get better and I just wanted to thank you all for more than 1.62k reads. It means the world to me. Yes, I wanted to make Draco good because why not? Stay safe out there, I hope you are all healthy and well, and so are your loved ones. ❤️❤️

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