Chapter 6

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                        •𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝗦𝗶𝘅•                       -----------------------What happened? Lily asked herself as the men seated themselves on the kitchen table looking white as ghosts

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                        •𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝗦𝗶𝘅•
What happened? Lily asked herself as the men seated themselves on the kitchen table looking white as ghosts. They just stared for a while at nothing in particular while the women asked multiple questions about their behaviour.

Finally, they explained and the truth was most certainly not what Lily had expected. After the published article written by the Skeeter woman, all Rosier's friends went to the ministry demanding immediate imprisonment for Peter. One of them being Luicius Malfoy, who has a lot of power in the ministry, had convinced the head of the Mgigal Law Enforcement Department, Mr. Barty Crouch to make the hearing 6 days earlier. But Crouch refused, so they brought in a sobbing Mrs. Rosier, the mother of the victim. She begged Crouch to move the hearing date and he finally accepted. And so the dementors brought a fragile Peter from Azkaban and put him in a chair in the middle of the room everyone's eyes locked on him. He was asked a few questions and he told what is supposed to be the truth. That same night, after the haunted house incident, Peter headed back home, but then suddenly he got pulled inside Knockturn Alley and there men were standing infront of him: Luicius Malfoy, Severus Snape and Evan Rosier. They ordered him to do something but he doesn't remember what it is. When he refused, they threatened to kill him, when they all approached him, he cast the killing curse and it hit Rosier, squarely in the chest. He fell to the ground - dead. Malfoy and Snape dissaperated at the exact moment that the Aurrors arrived. When he was done, Mrs. Rosier, who was at the hearing, began shouting about how he dared accuse her son of such crimes and that he was lying. Unfortunately, Crouch and most of the wizengamot beleived her that her son was innocent and sentenced Peter to the dementor's kiss in 2 days.

They all just sat there horrified, that not only was Peter guilty but they had a zero percent chance of seeing him ever again. The women quietly sobbed, and the men sat silently looking sad. Gone was a friend of 5 years for some 11 for others...

Lily was sure her husband is going through a rough time. She read the look on his face as easily as she read the potions instructions and she understood it quite simply. He was loosing hope, James was loosing hope that he would ever see one of his best  friends ever again. He was loosing hope that he would share jokes with him, or tell him how ridiculous he looks as a tiny little rat. He was sad about his best friend's soul being sucked out and horrified at how the latter might look.

Just then someone knocked on the door.

"I'll get it" Lily said. Marlene was comforting her boyfriend and Alice was cooking while tears silently spilled from her eyes. She opened the door and the most unexpected person was standing infront of her. Snape.

"What do you want?" Lily said quite harshly. She would never forget he called her Mudblood.

"I don't think that's how you should greet an old friend now is it?" Snape replied. He had the same old stare in his black eyes, like a black sea of secrets and pain unsuccessfully hidden under rocks..

"We aren't friends anymore, Snape. Remember from the time you called me Mudblood. But hey, tell me when did I stop being one so that I am worthy of your company?" Lily asked, a death glare drawn on her eyes.

"Lily i am just here to apologize for what I have done, give me another chance. Please" the man pleaded. But Lily just scoffed.

"I don't need your apologies and 3 also gave you too many chances. Everything has a limit, even CHANCES" she shouted and slammed the door in his face. She turned her back to the door and broke down crying, se felt tired because of everything that has happened with Peter and Snapes sudden reappearance. Through her tears, she saw James run to her and hold her bridal style and proceeded to put her in bed.

"Remus is playing with Harry and Neville, you go to sleep. Don't worry ok?" he kissed her forhead as she nodded and not five minutes later she fell asleep.

It was 8 p.m. when she woke up. She was in time for dinner. Lily was really hungry because she didn't have lunch. She apologized for not helping, but her friends shrugged it off and said that she needed the rest that she had gotten. They ate in comfortable silence. When they were done Lily requested to do the dishes because she hadn't done anything today.

So, she washed and dried them with magic while james put them in their righful place. They had a small talk about earlier today. James told lily that he would try to make sure that that slimy git wouldn't bother her again. He kissed her for a bit too long because after a while they heard a cute small voice say "gross" they broke apart and saw harry at their feet looking up at them. Lily picked him up and said "When you grow up, Harry, you will have a wife and you will kiss her." but Harry just shook his head and said"nope, never."

Disclaimer:I don't own any of these characters.

Hope you liked this chapter. I know it is shorter than usual, sorry. No cliffhanger in this chapter but a lot of tears. Don't forget to vote (if you want to). Thx for reading❤️✨.

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