Chapter 18

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•𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝗲𝗶𝗴𝗵𝘁𝗲𝗲𝗻•-----------------------------

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•𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝗲𝗶𝗴𝗵𝘁𝗲𝗲𝗻•

The next morning, when they woke up, the boys made their way to the Great Hall for breakfast. Harry promised to keep Draco's problem a secret until he felt like he wanted to talk about it, with Neville and Ron.

They sat down on the Gryffindor table, covered with multiple dishes. But Harry wasn't really paying any attention to the food. His eyes were searching the Professors' table for his mother. Even if it was barely a day he got here, Harry already missed his father and the others- especially Emily.

Harry easily found his mother. Amongst the sea of brown and grey hair on the teacher's table, hers being flaming red didn't blend in easily. She was talking with Professor Sprout. He tried to catch her eye but couldn't.

"Eh, you'll talk with her after Potions' class, mate." Draco said. Harry didn't notice Draco looking at him, but he smiled gratefully.

At that moment, owl swarmed the ceiling of the Hall, fluttering down and dropping the packagers or letters to who their were sent to. Draco spotted his family's giant eagle-like owl. It dropped the letter in front of Draco and departed, not waiting for Draco to give it a treat. Slowly, Draco opened the letter, that was tightly sealed, but he recognized his mother's handwriting on the outside. Once it was open Draco read it carefully, catching every exact word.

Dear Draco,

I am proud of you, no matter what house you are, and so is Aunt Andie. Dora told me to inform you that she "can't wait for you to get back because I bought a new karaoke set that I want to try out with you." I miss you so much, and I can't wait for you get back. I hope you are enjoying your time at Hogwarts.

Love, Mum

Draco smiled as he read the letter. Classic Nymphadora, always ready to, as she puts it 'rock out'. He was also happy that his mother accepted that he was sorted in Gryffindor, he thought she was going to kick him out. Being accepted felt good, Draco thought. When he looked up from the paper, Harry gave him a look that clearly said, good new or bad news? to which he responded with,

"Good news, mum says no matter what house I am in she's proud of me." Harry smiled at him, glad that, at least, now his worries will be gone.

Professor Mcgonagall was passing their schedule. When she handed Harry the paper, he immediately looked at the right day, hoping to see Potions. And he did. Transfiguration, Charms and then Potions. After finishing breakfast, Harry made his way to Transfiguration along with Neville, Ron and Draco.

Once they found their way to Transfiguration (they had to ask multiple students along the way as the castle was enormous) the boys sat entered the room hoping Professor Mcgonagall won't be angry at them. Instead of seeing an angry Professor, they saw a cat sat on a desk.

"Can you imagine the look on McGonagall's face if we were late?" Ron asked, his voice barely audible.

The cat seemed undisturbed. But its ears, Harry noticed, twitched upon Ron's comment. It perked its head up, and leaped. Suddenly it was gone, in its place stood Professor Mcgonagall, looking at them sternly.

"That was bloody brilliant!" Harry said in awe.

"Well, thank you for that assessment Mr. Potter." she said, "Perhaps it would be more useful if I were to transfigure all four of you into a pocket watch, that way one of you might be on time."

"We got lost" Neville said.

"Well, perhaps map. I trust you won't need one to find your seats."

Harry had to hold back a laugh. He noticed a girl in the corner, with bushy brown hair, shake her head disapprovingly. Once the boys took their seats, the lesson began.


After the lesson ended, the class made their way to Charms. For some unknown reason, it was easier to find the Charms class than the Transfiguration class. Proffessor Flitwick was a short man, with a squeaky voice. He assigned each one of the students a seat and a partner for the day's lesson. Harry got seated with Draco; Ron with the bushy brown haired girl, while Neville got seated with Seamus Finnigan.

"One of the wizard's most rudimentary skills is levitation- the ability to make objects fly. " began Professor Flitwick, "you all have your feathers," he said gesturing to the white feathers infront of them, "good; now well, don't forget the nice wrist movement we've been practicing," the Professor got his wand out, "the swish and flick, everyone."

"the swish and flick" the class replied in union, gesturing with their wands.

"Oh and enunciate- Wingardium Leviosa! Off you go then!"

"Wingardium Leviosa" chanted the class, waving their wands over their feathers.

Ron was having problems. Being the impatient person that he is, he was waving his wand aggressively; repeatedly over his feather.

"Stop, stop, stop." the girl next to him said, holding her hand out, "You're going to take someone's eye out. Besides, you're saying it wrong; it's Leviosa," she said making sure the O was clear enough, "not Leviosar."

"You do it then if you're so clever." Ron snapped back, his ears red."Go on, go on."

The girl held her wand out and did the right hand movement while muttering, "wingardium leviosa" clearly. The feather lightly levitated at first, then it soared up in the air.

Professor Flitwick looked delighted.

"Look here everyone, Miss Granger's done it!" he said, smiling excitedly. Granger looked around the class proudly. Harry noticed a boy sitting a few seats away from Neville, wearing Slytherin robes with blonde hair, scowling.

"Wingard Leviosa! Wingard Levio-" the feather exploded in Seamus' face.

"I think we're gonna need another feather over here, Professor." Neville said, shocked.

"It's Leviosa, not Leviosar!" Ron said, mocking the Granger girl, once they left the classroom. "She's a nightmare, honestly! No wonder she hasn't got any friends!"

Neville rolled his eyes, "Now Ron don't say that-" he got cut off when a girl bumped into him. It was Granger. And she was crying.

"I think she heard you." Harry said, looking after the crying girl as she passed by them.

"Yes, thanks for stating the obvious, Sherlock. Does anyone know what her real name is?" Draco asked.

"I heard the girls behind me call her Hermione. Hermione Granger." Neville replied.

A/N: Sorry for the late update, y'all. Sneak peak of the OC cz I couldn't include him in this chapter. I hope everyone is having a great day/night, and that you are all safe and healthy. ❤️❤️

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