Chapter 16

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•𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝘀𝗶𝘅𝘁𝗲𝗲𝗻•---------------------------

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•𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝘀𝗶𝘅𝘁𝗲𝗲𝗻•

The weather outside was beautiful. The forest and the lakes rushed by in a blur. And the more time that Harry spent with Draco, the more he seemed to like him. They shared the particular intrest of being seekers, even though they planned on going in different houses.

"No, listen. Puddlemere United will totally win against Wimbourne Wasps." Draco told Neville. But the latter argued.

"But the Wasps' beaters were trained by Ludovic Bagman! Only the best beater the team ever had!"

"Doesn't help the case. They would still win."

Harry rolled his eyes and chuckled, "I think the Chudley Cannons would win over both of them."

At that moment, a boy with ginger hair stood in the doorway clutching a paper bag. He wore a dark green jacket over a plaid shirt.

"Sorry, I couldn't help but overhear your conversation." he said, his ears turning a bit red, "And I'm with you on this one." he indicated with his head towards Harry.

"Thank you," Harry said, giving Neville and Draco knowing look.

"I'm Ron, by the way, Ron Weasley." he said, smiling.

"I'm Harry, Harry Potter." Harry replied.

With Ron joining their conversations, the train ride passed faster and soon Hogwarts came into view. Quickly they changed into their robes and got ready to get out of the train.

They passed through the kids on te train, bumping into a few of them, but still managing to stay together. Once they stepped out, the cool air rushed beside thier faces tinting Harry's cheeks a light red. His eyes drifted to the sound that was weirdly familiar.

"Come on, firs' years. This way, please!"

Harry started in awe at the man standing infront of them. He was very tall and had wild hair and a beard. He was smiling down at them. Harry immediately recognized him. Reubeus Hagrid, a family friend, that has visited their house a couple times.

"Hullo Harry!" the man said. Harry smiled up at him.

"Hello, Hagrid,"

Harry glanced around, many first years stood next to him and his friends. Hagrid lead them towards a lake where small boats were floating around. Hagrid clearly stated that only four students in each boat, so Harry got in there with Neville, Ron and Draco. As the boats moved steadily, Hogwarts soon came into view. The magnificent, enormous castle spread light on the lake, the surface of the water shimmering and the creatures lurking beneath them were barely visible.

Soon they reached the land- all of them carefully got out. Hagrid led them to a big front door that was slowly pulled inwards as soon as they reached it. They slowly climbed the long stairs until they reached another door where a woman with a emerald green cloak and a black witch's hat.

"Welcome to Hogwarts. Now, in a few moments you will pass through these doors and join your classmates; but before you can take your seats you must be sorted into your houses. There are Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw and Slytherin." she said the last word as if it was poison on her tongue. Harry noticed a look of shame pass over Draco's face, so he nudged him and gave him a small smile."Now while you're here, your house will be like your family. Your triumphs will earn you points; any rule breaking and you will lose points. At the end of the year, the house with the most points will be awarded the house cup. The sorting ceremony will begin momentarily." The woman turned around and walked away.

The place buzzed as everyone talked. Suddenly a question sprung up in Harry's mind. He looked at Draco who stood next to him.

"Hey Draco," the other hummed to show that he was listening, "do you have any siblings?"

"No, I don't. My mother was pregnant with a girl, but we lost her two months after she was born, after my father was sent to azkaban. Her name was Delphinius" he explained, "my mother was really sad at that time my aunt Andromeda had to help her take care of me. She's still not very happy to this day, but I doubt her sadness will last much longer considering my father will be coming out of azkaban in a few years." Harry nodded along, he noticed that Ron and Neville were listening to them.

"What about you Ron. Do you have any siblings?"

"Yeah, I have six. Two have already graduated and my little sister still hasn't come." he replied. Just then the woman came back.

"We're ready for you now. Follow me." she said with a hint of a smile.

They followed her into a Hall with four table- one for each house. Students sat waiting for them to cross the Hall. A big table was positioned in front of all the others and the Headmaster, Albus Dumbledore, sat on his chair calmly.

"I have a few start of term notices I wish to announce; first years please note, that the dark forest is strictly forbidden to all students. Also, our cartaker. Mr.Filch," he nodded toward a man standing at the back of the Hall, infront of the doors, looking angry, a cat on his heels. "has asked me to remind you,  that magic is strictly forbidden in he school corridors, and so are many other things that you can check on the list that is hung up on Mr. Filch's office door. Thank you. " he said, standing up then sitting back down.

The woman that had previously greeted them stood next to a three legged stool, on which there was a hat. It didn't seem normal, as it broke into a song so suddenly. After it finished, the Hall erupted with cheers, so Harry clapped along.

"When I call your name, you shall come up here and get sorted." she said, holding up the ragged hat.

"Draco Malfoy." she said, shortly. Harry felt Darcoo stiffen beside him as he put on a smirk and sat on the stool. She put the hat on his head and seconds later it shouted:


A/N: Some of you may disagree with me sorting Draco in Gryffindor, but you'll find out later why I did it. The blonde guy that Neville talked about on the train in the previous chapter is NOT Draco. But an OC that will be very important later on. Thank you for reading and I hope that you are all doing great and staying safe. 💖❤️

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