Chapter 7

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                    •𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝗦𝗲𝘃𝗲𝗻•                    -------------------------They went home later the next day

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                    •𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝗦𝗲𝘃𝗲𝗻•
They went home later the next day. They planned a dinner at a fancy restaurant for tonight. James went to work as usual, and then came back home just in time for lunch.

"Lils, I need to tell you something." James said eyeing his wife.

"Ok, what?" Lily asked.

"Well, Sirius is surprising Marlene tonight... with umm.. Something" James replied.

"What is it? What is it?!!" Lily questioned excitedly.

"I can't tell you, a secret is a secret." Jamess said seriously.

She begged him but he refused because he knew that she would be so happy about that she would tell Marlene everything by accident.

Time skip: Dinner.

They arrived at the restaurant and saw that Sirius, Marlene and Remus were all there waiting for them at a table. They sat down and a few minutes later Alice and Frank, with Neville of course, arrived.

Lily asked the waiter for two high-chairs, and they ordered their food. They talked and joked around and had the most amazing dessert ever. Just then, Remus suggested that the women go on a stroll, and so they did.

They chatted along the way, gossiping about who is daring who, who is married or who's pregnant.

"I heard that Mary Mcdonald married a Hufflepuff, though i don't know who" Marlene said

"I heard that Narcissa Malfoy is now pregnant again." Alice admitted.

After about half an hour they decided to go back, Lily and Alice pushing Harry and Neville in their strollers.

When they arrived back Lily understood what James meant by 'surprise'. It was the most beautiful decoration Lily had ever seen: red and pink roses everywhere, ribbons hung up above the table but the guys where no where to be seen. They called their names and suddenly the lights went out, there was nothing but darkness for a moment but then as they went back on the girls saw Sirius standing there. He went down on one knee and said :
"I have loved you since the day i got to know you. Your amazing personality and your laugh that would make anyone smile. Your perfect blonde hair that shines brightly under the sun. And when you accepted to go out with me on this first and awkward date, I knew that you were the one. And I remember the day I asked you to be my girlfriend do plainly as if it happened yesterday. You cry when I cry, you laugh when I do. And i would never want to leave your side. " he took out a small black box" And so, would you Marlene Mckinnon make me the happiest man alive and marry me? "

Marlene seemed shocked, like she never expected it. But then when she remembered that her soon to be husband is waiting for an answer she shrieked" Yes i would!" ansd she flung herself into his arms and gave him a quick kiss.

"Well, sorry to dissapoint you Padfoot but i am the luckiest man alive" James said and kissed Lily.

"Ewww, don't do that ever again, Mummy and daddy." Harry said disgusted they burst into a fit of laughter.

"Really congratulations, Sirius" Remus said as he clapped his hands on his friend's back.

"Thanks moony." Sirius said smiling.

Time skip: 2 months later.

"Marlene you look beautiful" Lily said and Alice agreed.

It was the day of the wedding. Marlene wore a white dress, and she was looking stunning. Her blonde hair was curled and her makeup was done beautifully.

Peter's soul got sucked out by the dementors 1 months ago, and it was horrible. James would just start crying randomly at any meention of anything like rat, worm, hair or anything other that is associated with a human. Sirius and Remus did that too but they got over it because they knew that they couldn't give him his soul back and it was too late, all they did was apologize.

"Okay, I am ready." Marlene breathed and Alice squealed. The girls were all exited for their friend to get married. Alice wore a short long sleeved pink dress as it was still January, it had sparkles all over it. She also looked amazing. But Lily in James' was the prettiest girl in the whole wedding. She wore a purple dress, also short and long sleeved, that looked amazing with her hair that was flattened with flat iron. Harry on the other hand looked really cute as he wore a small suit for the wedding. James wore the same as Harry and also had problems with his hair "It just won't lie flat" he said struggling but she just laughed at him.

It was time to walk her down the isle and Mr. Mckinnon came and took his daughter's arm. Lily and Alice left the dressing room and sat next to their husbands. James, who had Harry seated in his lap, gave lily a kiss on the cheek.

"You look amazing" he said but she hushed him as it was about to start.

Mr. Mckinnon and Marlene walked down the aisle and Sirius took Marlene from her father half way there. Then they stoood and said their vows and their "i do"s.

"You may kiss the bride" and they kissed. Harry squeezed his eyes shut and put his hands over Neville's who squealed at the sight of the bride and groom kissing. Lily and James laughed but they couldn't be heard because of the loud cheers that sounded from the crowd. Then they danced, the bride and groom only. But after everyone was allowed on the dance floor Lily, James and Harry were the first ones to go and dance. James held Harry as he danced with Lily, she could hold her son because of the heels that she wore.

After a long dance they to talk to the newly married couple. Marlene was happier than ever and Sirius was too. They said their congratulations for the couple and later started goofing around.

"Honestly, Pafoot if you don't make me the godfather of your child we are going to have a sirius talk" Remus said jokingly.

"Well, moony, I can't make any promises but if i don't then we sure are going to talk Siriusly, the sirius way." Sirius replied and they all burst into fits of laughter.

Later that night, after a lot of laughing dancing and more, they went back to their home in Godric's Hollow and fell asleep immediately .

A/N: I did not follow the 80s style for the dresses (clearly), i just wanted to make them more modern.

Disclaimer: you know what i am going to say already.
Chapter7, Hope you liked it. Sorry it me a long time to post this I just didn't have any ideas.... Pls vote (if you want ofc). Thx for reading❤️✨.

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