Chapter 10

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                      •𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝗧𝗲𝗻•                      ----------------------James started shaking like a crazy man and was screaming in agony

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                      •𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝗧𝗲𝗻•
James started shaking like a crazy man and was screaming in agony. Lily went insane, she started screaming his name and got closer to him. She hugged him and whispered reassuring words in his ears only he could hear over his screams. He was visibly shaking, then he stopped and took a few moment to catch his breath. He then looked at Lily and engulfed her in a hug. Lily looked confused as hell.

"But I thought, you wanted a divorce?" Lily asked James.

"WHAT?! Who told you that?" James questioned confused.

"Well, you. You told me that you wanted a divorce!" Lily said.

"No, I didn't are you sure you are okay Lils?" James asked concerned. "Wait, why isn't Remus here?"

"Last night was a full moon, Prongs." Sirius replied. "What has gotten into you?"

"What has gotten into you guys! You know I never want to divorce you Lils, I love you and I promised you that I will stay by your side forever." James said looking around desperately.

"You better sit down Prongs. You are still slightly shaking." Sirius said to his friend.

"But the question is, why the sudden change of character?" Frank asked.

"Yeah, like one minute you wanted to divorce Lily and the next you think that this is utter rubbish!" Marlene explained.

"I think I know what might've happened." Alice admitted. They all looked at her, also sharing confused glances. "James, what did you do before you came home?" she then asked.

"Well, I... Went up to Mr. Crouch's office because I was called there by him and the last thing I remember was him lifting his wand at me muttering something before I drifted of in complete relaxation." James described.

"Was there something wrong with his eyes?" Lily asked. James nodded.

"Glad to know you are catching up Lils!" Alice told Lily.

"Catching up on what, exactly?" Sirius asked confused.

"James were his eyes foggy?" Marlene asks her childhood friend clearly catching up on the other girls' theory too as they smirked at her. James nodded again.

"Oh my god, but why in the name of Merlin's most baggy pants would Crouch do that?!" Lily asked shocked.

"Do WHAT?!" James shouted finally loosing his patience.

"Imperius you, you dunderhead!" Malrene ans Alice finally let out.

The men looked shocked. Harry and Neville who were playing on the carpet looked up at their parents.

"Why would he do that? Why would he Imperius me and order me to divorce you, what will he get in return?" James asked. And he did have a point.

"Maybe he was forced to do it. Maybe he was Imperiused too." Sirius said seriously.

"Yes! Yes! But by who?" Marlene agreed and looked at her husband.

"Lucius Malfoy" James wispered.

"Yeah! Some people saw him making his way up to Crouch's office and though it was weird because, well, he never talks to the head of the Magical Law Enforcement Department. Usually it is just the minister. So maybe it was him." Frank explained. They all looked at each other.

"Look, James, if you want to get to the bottom of this you can use this opportunity." Alice said and looked at James.

"Malfoy still thinks you are under the curse doesn't he? So pretend that you are and see who is working with him and why. He will surely use you as a weapon against us and maybe he wil gain something from it, but we can prevent this if you spy on them. What do you think about it? " Marlene said. But it was not James who spoke up, but Kily who was silent for some time that did.

"No! Are you crazy?! I almost lost him today, do you want me to lose him again? What if he kills him? Yeah! What if he slips him a poison unknowingly? What is going on in those brains of yours Ali and Mar?" Lily's eyes shined with tears she couldn't bear to see her two best friends suggesting to use her husband as a spy and making him risk his life.

"I'll do it. Don't worry Lils I will be fine, I am tougher than you think and I will always be careful. But if I die just remember me and smile. It will be okay, and I promise you will see me again. It is for a better cause and maybe I can put Malfoy in azkaban once and for all. I couldn't protect Peter but I have to protect you all. He targeted me at first and I am sure he will target you too. " James kissed Lily lovingly and then hugged her. He seemed to be crying too. Harry got up and hugged their legs beecause that is the farthest he can reach.

"Don't cry Mummy and daddy." He said with his sweet baby voice. Sirius picked him up and looked into the baby's emerald eyes and let a tear fall down his cheek at the though of loosing any of them. He loved the Potter family more than words can discribe and the thought of loosing any off them....

"Look Lily, James is gonna be fine. He is a great dueller and if there is too much trouble he'll just transform Malfoy into a ferret at some point you know! He is great at transfiguration." Sirius told his sister-in-law. Even if he wasn't James' actual brother he still called Lily his sister-in-law and Harry his nephew.

"Okay, So this is the plan. I am going to go to the Malfoy Manor and I will pretend like I did what I was ordered to do. Lils you have to act like you are sad and crying and all of you have to act like you hate me. Okay?" James said and all of them nodded.

They exanged hugs and he gave Lily a kiss."Look, you'll always have me in here Lils." he pointed at her heart. He hugged Harry and Neville too. He looked at his beautiful wife one last time, it could be months before he sees her again. He looked at his mates too and then he dissaperated. After all, desperate times call for desperate measures.

Hey y'all, I skipped the disclaimer cz u already know what I was going to say. Hope u enjoyed this chapter, sorry there were alot of tears again. Pls vote (if you want to). Thx for reading ❤️✨.

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