Chapter 4

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                     •𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝗙𝗼𝘂𝗿•                     ----------------------- James ran with Harry as Lily ran behind them, shouting for them to run and save themselves, she was almost out of breath when she heard someone shout a spel...

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                     •𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝗙𝗼𝘂𝗿•
James ran with Harry as Lily ran behind them, shouting for them to run and save themselves, she was almost out of breath when she heard someone shout a spell from behind her and she fell down onto the floor covered in blood. The last thing she saw was James' crying face and Harry's emerald green eyes staring down at her, calling her, knowing she won't survive, as she blacked out.

Then, she woke up.

Drenched in cold sweat, a worried James sat beside her, his face flushed with relief when he saw she was awake.

"Lils, are you okay?" James asked almost too loudly as he gave her a sweet kiss.

"Yes, James. I am fine... Just a little nightmare." she said simply, she did not want her husband knowing she had a dream about dying.

"What were dreaming about?" James asked sweetly. She couldn't let him know! She had to come up with a lie quickly, but she was not good at lying!

"I... umm... I dreamed about Snape, it's nothing big just him hitting Petunia with a spell..." she lied, but of course James knew her too well to believe her.

"Lily-flower, you don't think i would believe that would you? Even though you having a nightmare about Snivellus seems believable, but I want you to tell me the truth!" James said, worry clearly showing in his voice. So she gave in and told her husband the truth, from the start of the dream until the end of it every detail she could because she would gain absolutely nothing if she lied to him.

"We were walking down a dark alley, i don't know where we were heading, we were just walking in complete silence but there were voices of two men and they seemed to be fighting in whispers. But we ignored them and continued walking, but as the voices grew closer I held a tight clutch on your hand- the one that you weren't holding Harry with. We tried ignoring the sounds as we continued walking but then two cloacked men stood infront of us, unrecognizable until i heard the cold drawling voice of Lucius Malfoy say that we shall accompany them to his manor or we will suffer terrible torture. The man next to him was still unrecognized by both of us until he lowered his hood did I feel a chill down mine spine as the unmistakable cold black eyes of Snape looked down on me. He held my wrist but I pulled away, then I told you to run, but you didn't need telling twice. We ran, you were faster than me so you held my hand but soon I couldn't keep up and my hand slipped from sweat; I fell down. You were coming back for me, but I shouted for you to run again as I regained my ability to stand, but no sooner than I could run futher one of Snape's spells hit me and I fell to the ground again covered in blood, you came back, as the duo dissaperated, still holding Harry. You were worried for me and Harry looked me directly in the eyes calling for me but he knew I wouldn't survive and just then, I blacked out." Lily recounted to James, unconscious that tears were spilling from her eyes, her husband wrapped an arm around her wispering calming things to her, telling her it wasn't real, that it was all a dream, that she doesn't need to worry, that as long as she is next to him she will be okay, that he will never let her go and that he will be by her side...

"Forever" James contiued as he stroked his wife's beautiful, red hair.

"Thanks, love" she wispered.

So, he went down the stairs and got her a Dreamless sleep potion. Lily drank the potion and immediately fell asleep in her beloved husband's arms.

But James could not sleep, he was worried about Lily, he was worried that she wouldn't be the same after that dream, like maybe that she would begin to scream at every metion of blood, or that she would fear every touch and flinch at it. The effects of the dreams can change her, weaken her. James then realized that Lily is strong, she won't let that dream hurt her in any way and if it does, if she lets it take over her, he will be there to support and he will give his all.

Just then an owl tapped on their bedroom window, James let the bird in and it held a letter from Sirius. But James certainly was not ready for what was written in the letter.

Disclaimer: i don't own the hp characters cz clearly i am not JKR.
Hey hoped you liked this chapter, i know it shorter than usual but i wanted to do a cliffhanger. Should i do character pov? Pls vote (if you want ofc) and comment if you want some more ships or characters. Thx for reading❤️✨.

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