Chapter 21

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•𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝘁𝘄𝗲𝗻𝘁𝘆 𝗼𝗻𝗲•---------------------------------

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•𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝘁𝘄𝗲𝗻𝘁𝘆 𝗼𝗻𝗲•

Dear Em,

Guess what? Professor Mcgonagall wants me to try out for the Gryffindor Quidditch team and she thinks that I can insure victory for Gryffindor this year. Ha!  Beat that! One of my best friends is related to you by the way, his name is Draco Malfoy and he is a funny lad. I also met another boy named Ron Weasley and together with Neville we make a very badass team. We were discussing pranking this guy that is in over his head, he's from Slytherin, but we have no idea what kind of prank we should pull. I miss you and I can't wait for Christmas break to see you again.

P.S.: If your letter is returned without a prank idea, I will hunt you down myself.

Love you (not),
The one and probably not only Harry Potter

Harry sealed the letter and tied to his owl, Hoo-dini's leg. He watched as the bird took flight, before Draco called him for dinner. They quickly made their way to the Great Hall where once again the tables were covered with all kinds of delicious dishes and drinks.  Harry put some mashed potatoes into his plate an started eating. They took their time eating and having some fun before finishing up as Harry had to go to the Quidditch field.

As Harry made his way to the grassy space, he saw a figure setting down a huge box. He supposed that was Wood. And sure enough he was right. Harry saw Wood holding two broomsticks as he approached him.

"Hello, Potter." Wood greeted, Harry nodded in response, "We better get started before sun goes completely down. We'll start with Seeker practice."

They both got on their brooms and flew a few feet in the air. Wood started throwing apples at Harry to see if he could catch them. In total Oliver threw ten apples and Harry caught nine of them.

"Not bad, Potter." Oliver said, impressed.

Next, they moved onto Chaser practice. Wood, being a Keeper, defended the goal posts as Harry tried to get the Quaffle in. Oliver told Harry that he had to score at least four times and he gets five times to attempt to. Only Harry scored all five of those times, flying and managing the broom elegantly. Wood was amazed by the end of the practice.

"Meet me tomorrow, here, earlier than today for Seeker and Chaser tryouts." Wood informed him, Harry nodded. After Wood told him he could go, Harry made his way to his dorm where each one of his mates were asleep, so he dozed off too.

Next morning, at breakfast, Harry received a reply from Emily that he was so excited to open he almost accidentally ripped the actual parchment.

Dear Harriet,

Congrats on whatever you achieved. Just wait until I get to Hogwarts so we can play together on the same team. It got quite boring without you and Neville here, but Ophelia is good company. Tell my 'cousin' that I can't wait to meet him, he better be funny or else we would really need to get your sense of humour checked up, Hazza.
For the prank you can charm his hair pink for a day, it is a very simple charm that dad used on Uncle James once. The incantation is Color Mutatio and you need to picture the color in your mind. I can't wait to see you on Christmas break, I expect a present.

Love you (not),
The one and definitely only Emily Black

Draco who was reading over Harry's shoulder said, "So that's my dear cousin, seems like a funny person."

"Yeah, she is funny. " Harry replied, smiling wickedly "And very mischievous" he added with a frown.

Neville chuckled in agreement.

"How did your practice go?" Ron asked, looking at Harry curiously.

"It went well. He threw apples at me for Seeker practice caught nine out of ten. Threw some Quaffles in the hoop, I had five tries to score at least four times; scored all five of them." Harry recounted the previous night's events events, counting them on his fingers. "Wood told me to meet him today before dinner for tryouts."

His friends congratulated him as they finished breakfast and made their way fast to Herbology before they were late.


"Harry you better make your way to the Quidditch field before you miss the trials." Draco said urgently. Harry bid them goodbye and took the fastest short cut to the field. Once he reached the Great Hall, he spotted his mother standing by the doors. She seemed to be holding a parcel in her hands.

"Hey mum" Harry said, once he came closer to his mother.

"Harry." Lily breathed out, "James bought you this broom, if you make the team- Professor Mcgonagall allowed it. The latest Nimbus Two Thousand and one of the best."

Harry beamed, "Thanks mum but I got to go." He kissed his mum's cheek and ran down to the field just in time.

"Potter, great, you're here." Wood said, before he started his speech explaining the tryouts in detail.

Seeker tryouts went first, Harry made sure to do his best. Amongst the seven and sixth years that tried out alongside him he made sure to show that he was not intimidated by them and he played as professionally as he could. Once the tryouts ended, Wood stood infront of each one of them before announcing who got on the team.

"Camille Smith, you made the team. I'm sorry all of you, you  can tryout next year." The new seeker was a seventh year, blonde girl. Harry was thankful that he still had Chaser tryouts so he wasn't as bummed as some of the others.

Chaser tryouts went next, and again Harry flew swiftly and scored as much as he could. He scored five times, like in practice and was the only one to do so. After they all landed back on the grassy field, Wood spoke up.

"I think it is very obvious who got on the team. Despite being a first year, Harry Potter scored five out five and he earned the position Chaser. Potter, welcome to the team."

A/N: this chapter is a 3k special, thank you, all of you. I know that most would've wanted Harry to be a Seeker but I really wanted him to be like a mini James, so I'm sorry. I hope you enjoyed this messy chapter and that you are all healthy and happy. Thx 💖💜

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