Chapter 19

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                                                         •𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗲𝘁𝗲𝗲𝗻•                                                          ----------------------------

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                                                         •𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗲𝘁𝗲𝗲𝗻•

After just one Potions lesson, Harry decided that it was his favorite subject. Once they walked in the potions' classroom, his mother was seated on a desk, where a couldron and some flasks were set. A pile of books lay next to them and the room was bright and airy. A bunch of cushioned stools behind a table, on which there was a couldron for two. When all took their assigned seats, Lily adressed the class.

"Hello everyone!" She said, a bright smile on her face, "I am Professor Potter- and you shall adress me as so- and I will be your potions' professor for the rest of the years to come by. I hope you all have your books." The class noded "Open them on page eleven as I take attendance."

Harry got paired up with Neville and Ron with Draco. They all sat quietly as Lily called out names.

"Harry Potter." She said; Harry replied with "Here!" as murmurs broke out in the classroom. After Lily managed to quiet them down, she said

"I know what you all must be thinking and no. Just because Harry is my son he won't be treated diffrently than all of you. He is a student like you after all."

"And how would we know that?" Sneered a boy with messy blonde hair, who was sat across the room.

"Well, Mister Riddle, for starters I once took housepoints away from my own friends because of mischeif, and we were in the same house. So I think that proves tha the treatment of my son wouldn't be diffrent than any of yours."

That shut the Riddle boy up.

The lesson went by fast. Lily was sweet and kind to each student and she answered every question they asked. She did like this job, of being a Professor but she had to admit she missed her husband and her friends alot. And she couldn't wait for the third year's haloween Hogsmeade trip she can see James again.

"For homework, just read from pages eleven to thirteen." Lily said, as the students closed their books, got off their stools. When most students left the classroom, she noticed four students standing in the doorway waiting for everyone to get out. When the class was empty one of the students ran to her and engulfed her into a hug; it was Harry.

"Hey mum!" Harry said, hugging her waist. She smiled softly and hugged him back.

"Hey Harry, how've you been?"

"I'm fine." He shrugs, "I miss Dad and Emily and Padfoot and Moony a-"

"Yeah, I got it" Lily chuckled, "I see you already made friends," she says, looking at the three boys standing in the doorway, she recognized one of them as Neville.

"Yeah. Of course, you know Neville. The ginger one is Ron Weasley-"

"Oh, son of Arthur and Molly, I suppose. Your father and I are friends with his uncles."

"-and the blond one is Draco Malfoy"

Lily was taken aback. She knew that she shouldn't interfere with Harry's friendship and Draco might be a nice lad so she just muttered "Just be careful."

Harry nodded "I better go, don't wanna miss lunch" he hugged her again and ran to the door.

"Emily tells you to write to her," she called after him.

"Will do!" he called back as he disappeared down the hall with his friends.

"Who's Emily?" Draco asked, looking at Harry curiously.

"Well, she's my cousin. More like a sister to me, though." Harry explained, smiling widely.

"And my best friend," Neville added.

"Wait, I thought I was your bestfriend." Harry said, mockingly putting his hand over his heart. He wiped a fake tear for effect as Ron chuckled.

"Fine," Neville rolled his eyes, "my best female friend."

"Oh thank goodness, I was to drop dead right here Nev." Harry said, fanning himself.

"Drama queen" Draco muttered under his breath.

"Hey! I heard that!"

"What does Dumbledore think he's doing putting a mudblood teacher? Next thing we know they'll be taking over the whole school!" A voice rang down the hall, Harry recognized it as the Riddle boy. The four boys made their way down the hall faster.

"Hey! Don't say that about my mother." Harry spat.

"Watch your mouth, blood-traitor. You're talking to Castor Riddle, the grandchild of Tom Riddle- creator of the Appearance Changing potion." Riddle said proudly.

"I can't care less about who you are. You called my mother the m word, so you better take it back." Harry said threateningly.

"Aww, look Crabbe, Goyle, Potty doesn't want his mummy to be sad." He then proceeded to let out the craziest laugh Harry ever heard, "What're you gonna do, run to a teacher?"

"Eh, I dunno."Draco replied, " this lad might not know any spells yet, but I know some nasty ones. So, do you still wanna mess with us?"

"Ah look who's talking. Disappointment Malfoy, is it? Running off with the blood-traitors, have you? Poor old daddy Lucus is gonna be mad isn't he? Boohoo"

"Jelly Legs!" Draco shouted, as feel to the ground his feet unable to hold him up anymore. "C'mon Harry, Ron, Neville. We don't wanna miss lunch."

"Thanks, mate" Harry said, smiling at Draco.

"You really shouldn't have done that, Draco. What if he calls a teacher, you'll get detention-" Neville started, but he was cut off by Draco.

"Save the lecture Neville. It would be worth it. He made fun of both Harry and me, you didn't expect me to just stand there. And if he does it again, I'll kick his ars-"

"Oi! Language!" Ron said, pushing them all towards the Great Hall, "We got it, you'll kick his butt. Now let's go eat."

A/N: I hope you enjoyed this chapter. The OC is Castor Riddle, Tom Riddles grandchild (as Tom is not Voldemort here I assumed he would have gotten married). I hope you are all doing great mentally and physically! Have a great day/night. 💖💖

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