Chapter 9

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                      •𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝗡𝗶𝗻𝗲•                      -----------------------A/N: this chapter will all be following Severus Snape so you can get an idea if James is right or not

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                      •𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝗡𝗶𝗻𝗲•
A/N: this chapter will all be following Severus Snape so you can get an idea if James is right or not.

Knockturn Alley:

He walked down the alley, where his old friend told him to meet. He knew that what he was doing is wrong but anything to have Lily as his own. Luicius was standing there waiting, so when he saw Severus, he immediately caught his arm and apparated them to his Manor.
"We couldn't talk there, it would have been too dangerous." Luicius hissed as he saw Severus' angry face. They walked together to the manor and sat at the table.

"Well, you want the mudblood as yours, I may have a solution. I have been kidnapping every one that I know can be trust worthy, from Yaxley to young Regulus Black and imperius them. They are now all in the vast basement of the Malfoy Manor, fifty people to be exact, fifty for now. I want you to join me, and if you shall accept I may tell you the plan."

Severus thought for a moment, what will the results be and what he will gain from them. According to Lucius, if his plan is successful, Severus will have Lily as his and he will even give her Amortentia if she didn't accept to marry him. So he accepted his old friend's offer and listened to the plan.

"I am building an army of people from the ministry, under the imperius curse of course. They will give me forbidden information, some things I shouldn't know. Then we would imperius James Potter and force him to divorce his wife. Then you will comfort the woman and if necessary give her a love potion, then you could propose to her. I could take down the ministry and you can have the woman." Lucius explained, and Severus quickly agreed and they began planning. He also visited the basement with his friend and could recognize familiar faces. The Lestrange Brothers, Bellatrix Black, some of the Rowles, Regulus Black, Yaxley, Barty Crouch Jr and more.

They sat down and planned how to imperius Potter. And after hours of work, they planned to let Crouch Jr. Imperius curse on is father who will do the same to Potter. Then he will divorce Lily and Severus wil give her a love potion so she can fall in love with him and marry him after a few daysl Luicius will take down the ministry and he will become the minister of magic. They knew that what they were doing was dangerous but they were going to do it anyway.

Severus knew that it will be a hard task, but they have some of the greatest and powerful witches and wizards. And with Potter, Black and Lupin fighting with them, after they get Potter they are going to get his friends, and later Lily when she will 'fall' head over heals for Severus, they would totally win. He still didn't know if he wanted lily to keep Potter's child with them when they get married, but if she wants to keep her son, then she will.

Time skip: the day of the crime!

Lucius arrived at the ministry, and headed towards the head of the Magical Law Enforcement Department. It was not weird seeing Malfoy sr. In the Ministry as he was almost always there and was friends with Crouch. He knocked on the door of the man's office, then went in.

"Ah, Mr Malfoy, what do I owe this pleasure?" He shook Lucius' hand. He then sat right back down on his desk and offered Malfoy sr. a seet. Lucius took out his wand and muttered under his breath "imperio" the older man's eyes became foggy and he stiffened. Malfoy then ordered "imperius James Potter without either Black, Lupin or Evans knowing, alright?"

"yes, master" Barty responded (ok, i don't know what happens when someone is under the imperius curse)

And so he did, Barty Crouch called James Potter to his office and imperiused him, also ordered him to divorce his wife.

So, James went back to his house, and told his wife that they need to talk.

"What it is, James?" Lily asked, Harry sitting in her lap.

"Well, I don't feel that should continue...." Jame told his wife.

"What do you mean?" Lily asked scared.

"I want a divorce, we will go to the ministry where we will sign some papers and the Minister will call off the bond." James said. (I don't know how they acually divorce, but I am just imagining how it will be in the Wizarding world)

Lily looked horrified, tears were forming in her eyes. She couldn't believe that James Potter, who promised her that he will stay by her side 'forever'. How could he? After all that they went through? Why would he do that? She began crying and ran upstairs. She put Harry in James' lap and went to write a letter to Marlene and Sirius and Alice and Frank. They apperated to Godric's Hollow and James opened the door. Marlene, Sirius, Alice and Frank could hear Lily wailing from the other room. Marlene and Alice rushed to see what was up with their best friend.

They found Lily crying in her an James' room sitting on the bed. She was crying her eyes out, tears streaming down her face. She looked up and when she realized who it was she went uo and hugged her two best friends.

"Lily, what happened. Why are you crying?" Asked Marlene worried.

"Did something happen?" Alice asked in a more worried tone.

"He... wants... a... divorce... After he promised me that he will stay with me forever!" Lily chocked on her tears.

"WHAT?!" Marlene and Alice said and together they went back downstairs and Lily followed them still crying.

"Why the hell did you do that to her Potter?" Alice shouted. She was mostly sweet, but if one hurt one of her loved ones she would go insane.

"Potter, you call me now?" James said not bothered.

"Potter you always were you idiot." Marlene also shouted to James' face.

"Look, after you asked her out for 7 years 'till she went out with you. She was the happiest person in the world when she was with you. And you promised her, that you would be by her side forever, you filthy, lying little son of a bludgers!" Alice contiued shouting but was cut off by Lily

"Alice, please don't make this worse than it is... I knew that he would leave me one day. If it were to be in our 7th year or now, I knew it would happen."

But then, James began trembling like a crazy man and started screaming in agony.

Disclaimer: It's pointless, you already know!
Okay, sorry for another cliff hanger i will post the next chapter sooner than this one. Promise you won't be waiting for too long! Thx for reading❤️✨.

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