Chapter 13

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•𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝗧𝗵𝗶𝗿𝘁𝗲𝗲𝗻•-----------------------------A/N: This is Kaya Nott^

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•𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝗧𝗵𝗶𝗿𝘁𝗲𝗲𝗻•
A/N: This is Kaya Nott^

It was a peaceful morning, the sun was shining through Lily and James' window. The couple was sleeping peacefully, unaware of the owl waiting on their window.


Lily woke up, James sleeping peacefully next to her. She rubbed her eyes then got out of bed. The clock indicated it was 9:00 in the morning. Lily washed her face, then ties her hair up in a bun. It was then that she noticed the owl waiting on their bedroom window.

Lily opened up the letter and found a wedding invitation card. On the outside of the card, written in neat gold letters, were their names.

You are invited to celebrate the bonding of

Regulus Black
Kaya Nott

Date: 21-6-1983
Time: 8p.m. To midnight
Location: Nott Manor
(A/N: I really don't know how ro write a wedding invitation... Sorry)

Lily never knew that Regulus had a girlfriend. Marlene was going of course and so was Alice maybe. They should go dress shopping together. She gave the owl a treat and went to write a letter to her friends.

Lily then tied the letters to Sky's leg and told her to deliver them to Alice and Marlene. She woke her husband up to tell him about the invitation. It was a weekend and he needed to go shopping for and outfit too, so she told him to go with Sirius, Remus and Frank; the girls would take the kids.

It was settled and at 3 in the afternoon Marlene and Alice came to Godric's Hollow with their husbands then disapperated with Lily to a very fancy magical dress shop. The dresses there were amazing and Lily took a long time deciding.


They walked out of the shop, each holding a bag. It came as a surprise that Emily, Neville and Harry were quiet in the shop and didn't cause a racket. The girls walked on and on, their kids in the strollers, until they decided to go to the nearest Cafe. The coffee there was delicious and smiles stretched across their faces as they talked and gossiped.

"Well, Narcissa Malfoy is apparently raising her child alone because her husband is in azkaban. I think she named her Delphinus." Alice said. She liked gossiping more than any of her friends and sometimes knew more about people than anyone does - it can get kind of creepy sometimes.

" Quick question, Ali" Marlene said and lily hid back a chuckle as she knew exactly what Marlene was going to ask. "How, in the name of Godric, do you always know everything about everyone; especially the Malfoy."

Alice raised her hands in mock surrender "It was in the Prophet, this time I swear!"

"And how did you know that she was pregnant, when you told us some years ago when Sirius proposed to Mar remember?" Lily asked.

"I work at Saint Mungos, and she was there that day to find out if she was pregnant; turns out she was." Alice explained.

"Delphinus is such a weird name don't you think?" Lily looked ger friends who nodded in agreement.

"Yeah, they are probably following the Black-Malfoy thing and name their kids after Star Constellations. She, Narcissa, is the only one who isn't the only one that isn't named after one out of her sisters." Marlene smirked at her friends shocked faces. Of course, Sirius told her alot about his family traditions.

After some time, they walked down a dark alley and disapperated there. When they arrived back home, the guys were already there of course. Each one of them greeted his wife when the girls arrived. Harry immediately jumped into his father's arms, so did Neville. Emily was asleep, a charm was set on her stroller so no noises can wake her up. The little girl looked peaceful. Harry and Neville looked tired so put Lily and Alice went upstairs to put them to sleep.

Lily sat on the rocking chair in her son's bedroom. She held him close to her, protecting him from nightmares. Her lullabies comforted Harry and as he stared to feel more sleepy he looked up at his mother. His piercing emerald green, looked directly into hers. Harry wrapped his tiny arms around his mothers neck and he whispered 'I love you, mummy' before giving up to sleep. Lily set her son down in his crib and went back downstairs where Alice was already sitting.

"So, who is this girl Regulus is marrying in a few days?" James asked his best mate.

"She has been his girlfriend since his fifth year. They are deeply in love with each other-" Marlene cut Sirius off.

"You have to see the way they look at one another; it is the sweetest thing ever."

"Well I guees we will see that at the wedding won't we?" Frank asked.
"I suppose so..." Remus mumbled

"So aren't you girls going to show us what you bought?" James asked. The girls agreed and showed their husbands their dresses. Lily pulled out a tight, emerald silk dress that went above the knees, it looked amazing on her. As for Alice, she bought a tight, short dress in an amazing shade if pink. But most beautiful of all was the baby blue dress that Marlene bought. The dress wasn't tight like Lily and Alice's, nonetheless it was as amazing as the others' dresses.

"The dresses look bloody amazing." Sirius exclaimed and winked at his wife who blushed.

Lily snorted "You act like teenagers who have a crush on eachother and not like you have a daughter." she said. Laughter filled the room at these words.

The friend group spent the night at the Potter's house to attend Regulus and Kaya's wedding the following day...

Disclaimer: I own nothing except Emily Black and Kaya Nott.

Hello, I know it took me a long time and that I am not publishing a lot anymore. And I'm sorry. But I am slightly running out of ideas. As the Christmas break started, I promise to plublish more chapters, as much as I can. Merry Christmas eve, everyone. All the love. Thx for reading❤️✨.

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