Chapter 8

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                     •𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝗘𝗶𝗴𝗵𝘁•                     ------------------------The newly married couple went on a honeymoon, so James felt a bit lonely without Sirius, but after all he had Remus

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                     •𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝗘𝗶𝗴𝗵𝘁•
The newly married couple went on a honeymoon, so James felt a bit lonely without Sirius, but after all he had Remus. They saw each other everyday at work and talked a lot as their offices are next to eachother. Usually, there was chaos in the department. But today was oddly quiet and everybody were doing their jobs silently. There hasn't been a case to investigate for weeks and the Aurrors were becoming useless but nobody expected a sudden case to appear. People- Men women and children- were suddenly disappearing, vanishing without a trace. With not one thing to help them find the victims, they were just searching in files. After weeks and weeks, of searching, working and sleepless nights James found something, a very small detail that could help them look for the missing people.

He rushed to the Head of the Magical Law Enforcement Department's Office and knocked on the door.

"Enter" said the voice of Mr. Crouch. So he went in to find the man as busy as he had ever seen him.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Crouch, I didn't mean to disturb you but I think I have a small detail that can help us start looking for the victims" James announced breathlessly.

"Well, then. Show me." Crouch ordered pointing to the chair in front of his desk. James took a seat as Crouch mooved all his papers aside. He set the paper on the desk and began explaining.

"Well, sir, I started looking through the names of the dissaperences and their relationship with anyone. Weirdly enough every one of them seemed to have a relationship with Lucius Malfoy. Either it is his friend, wife's family memeber, classmate, anything. So I kept thinking, and I came to the conclusion that maybe they aren't dissapering as victims but dissapering to be an Army of some sort. It just crossed my mind, but what if Lucius Malfoy is building an army to take down the ministry? I mean he is in the ministry every day, he knowns it like th back of his hand."

Crouch seemed shocked, but he voiced his opinion nonetheless and said "That seems unlikely, but we will investigate further into the matter, thank you. You are excused."

And as James was about to leave Crouch continued" Oh and Potter, you and Lupin may go home, you have done a great job. "

And with that Remus and James flooed back to Godric's Hollow, where James was greeted by Lily giving him a long kiss, and a small hug from Harry.

They told Lily what happened and James' theory about Malfoy and what Crouch told him. Lily looked shocked but at the same time she was also thinking about it in her head.

"It seems believable in my point of veiw, but I mean why would Lucius Malfoy start an army or whatever when he has a one year old child and his wife is pregnant?" Lily said logically.

"I don't know!" James confessed, it truly made him angry not knowing something, but as his dad said "patience helps you think". So, he calmed down and thought, but nothing came to mind.

"Why did you think of Lucius Malfoy, of all people?" Remus asked.

"Because, I know that Malfoy is doing something that he shouldn't be doing?" James replied.

"How do you know?" Remus questioned again.

"I just know" James responded.

Remus went to his bedroom and rested. James and Lily took a nap at the same time as Harry and after a few hours James was being shaken wake by Harry.

"Daddy Prongs, wake up. I want to see uncle Padfoot." Harry said.

"Uncle Padfoot isn't here Harry, he is with aunt Marlene. Go back to sleep and when you wake up again we will play in the garden." James said sleepily.

James went back to sleep thinking that his son did too, but Harry climbed out of bed and went down stairs where he found Remus sitting and talking with Sirius and Marlene.

"Uncle Padfoot, aunt Marlene!" he cried joyfully as he jumped into his uncle's arms and emraced him with a tight hug. He then gave Marlene a hug and sat in her lap while she talked with Sirius and Remus. They also played with Harry on his small broomstick and Sirius transformed into a dog for him and played with Harry as Crookshanks hissed at Padfoot.

After about half an hour Lily and James went frantically calling for their son. But they then saw Sirius and Marlene and they went crazy about they should've woken them up and things. They exchanged hugs, sent a letter to Alice and Frank and then started talking about the trip. Later, when the Longbottoms arrived, they discussed James theory about Malfoy once again but without coming to a conclusion.

Little did they know that at that moment Severus Snape was listening to them from their houses' window.

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