Chapter 11

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                     •𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝗘𝗹𝗲𝘃𝗲𝗻•                     ---------------------------James disapperated to the Malfoy Manor

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                     •𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝗘𝗹𝗲𝘃𝗲𝗻•
James disapperated to the Malfoy Manor. It was dark and cold, and sounds of peacocks can be heard in the distance. He hoped to make up a believable lie to Malfoy and whoever he is working with.

He knocked on the huge, oak front door. A few minutes later, it opened revealing a small woman with a small baby bump and blonde hair- Narcissa Malfoy, Sirius' cousin. She gave him a quizzical look and called her husband.
He came inside and dound Lucius Malfoy.

"Ah, Potter. Crouch told you to come here." Malfoy asked, his cold voice ringing through the room.

"Yes, sir" James said barely blinking.

"Well, did you divorce your wife?" Lucius asked. James nodded. "Severus come here." A chill ran down James spine, Snape working with Malfoy.

"What is it Lucius?" Snape's harsh voice gave James goosebumps.

"Look who we have here. Potter, a single Potter. Who just left his wife, distraught, back at their house with her only child. Do you have the amortentia ready? Are you ready to comfort a crying witch?" Malfoy  asked. Snape nodded. And James just realized what they were going to do. They were going to use a love potion on Lily to make fall in love with Snape! Lily was slipping from his protective grasp every second. He knew it was time to break character. He transfigured Malfoy into a ferret and was just him and Snape- but so he thought. More people came from the basement stood circling James. So he knew he needed help. Lily was smiling at him, holding Harry.

"Expecto Patronum!" he shouted. A stag burst out from his wand. "Padfoot, all of you come I am being overpowered. Lils stay at home with Harry, please at least I know you are safe!" and he watched as the stag rode the wind and went.

All around him, spells are being shot at himwhile he blocks them. Bellatrix Black, Lestrange Brothers, Regulus Black, Barty Crouch Jr., Yaxley, and more all of them having the same foggy look in their eyes. After a few minutes, James was exhausted, blocking spells left and right. Fortunately, Sirius and the others came. He knuckles went cold when he saw that Lily was amongst them. She ran into his arm and gave him a hug. Then they started battling Malfoy's army.

"I told you not to come!" He shouted over the sounds of the curses flying around the room.

"I couldn't bear to sit there, knowing nothing, not even if i'll ever see you all again. We left Harry and Neville at Frank's mother' house." she shouted back. Lily took down Bellatrix with the Body-Bind curse. She took one off Marlene's back and hit him with a Stunning Spell. James was duelling Snape, Sirius his brother, Alice- Rudolphus, Malrene- Rabastan and Frank- Barty Crouch Jr.

Spells were flying above their heads, all colors from red to green, white and purple. A few minutes later, all were down except Snape but after all six against one. They were waiting for Snape's surrender but it didn't come and as he was getting ready to shout a spell, Lily cast the stunning spell unnoticed by him, it hit him in the back and he fell to the ground unconscious.

"And to think I was going to forgive you! Bastard!" Lily muttered.

She rested her head on James' shoulder as Sirius and Frank were calling some Aurrors. Minutes later, they heard several cracks from outside and ten aurors made their may into the Manor.

"So, your suspicion was right Potter?" The Head of the Aurror department asked. James replied "Yes, sir. Mr. Crouch imperiused me; he was under the curse too. I fought it and thought I could spy on them. But I heard Malfoy tell Snape if the love potion was ready and that they will slip it to her as I was supposed to divorce her. They" he pointed at the unconscious bodies on the floor "are imperiused too."

"Round them up" the head of the Aurror department ordered and several 'incancerous' tied them all up.

"Umm.. Sir, I understand that maybe you were ordered to put them all in Azkaban but my brother here is just 20 years old and was held to do awful things against his own will. Could you maybe not put him in Azkaban?" Sirius asked.

The head of the Aurror department looked suspiciously at Sirius. "Well, to prove that. Let him apply as an Aurror, we do need quite a few as we already lost Barty Crouch, and Bellatrix Black who both were aurrors."

"You mean you are going to imprison Mr. Crouch?" Lily asked.

"Yes, we found evidence that he was in contact with Lucius Malfoy since a few months ago. I am now the head of the Magical Law Enforcement Department and I still need to appoint a head for the Aurror department. Potter, will you meet me at the office?" the man suggested and James nodded. Marlene was helping Sirius untie his brother and reawakening him.

Regulus woke up, free of the rope that we so tight they could squeeze him to death. He look up and saw his brother  staring down at him, relief slowly showing on his face he sat up.

"Sirius!" he hugged his brother. He hasn't seen him in years because of his parents' beliefs in pure-blood privileges. He cleared his throat and pulled away "I mean what do you want from me?" he asked harshly.

"Look, Regulus. No need to pretend you hate me anymore okay. Mother and Father are gone now and it was because of their own arrogance! They can't hurt you anymore, and I am here to help you" Sirius told his younger brother.

Then Regulus burst into tears. "I missed you so much!" then he hugged his brother again.

They went back home to find Alice and the boys playing a game on the carpet.

"Mummy! daddy!" Harry shouted and ran up to his parents.

"Daddy!" Neville ran up to his father who lifted him up and hugged him.

Sirius got his real brother back, James may be getting a raise, they were all happy.

All was well, for now.

Yay! Regulus is in this chapter. There won't be any more drama for a while. Hope u enjoyed this chapter. Pls vote (if you want to). Thx for reading ❤️✨.

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