Chapter 20

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                                                       •𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝗧𝘄𝗲𝗻𝘁𝘆•                                                       --------------------------

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                                                       •𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝗧𝘄𝗲𝗻𝘁𝘆•

After lunch the four boys made their way to flying lessons. Harry and Drcao were exited to learn how to fly so they can make the team next year. Neville was never one for sports and Ron just wasn't ready yet. All the students in their year took the class together; Riddle was bragging about how his father taught him how to ride a broom since he was five years old and how he wouldn't be surprised if he made the team sooner than expected.

"Father was the best Quidditch player for Slytherin of his time." Riddle boasted. "And I have definitely inherited his skills."

Only, when they started learning how to ride a broom, Harry was secretly glad when Madam Hooch told Castor that he was riding it incorrectly. He heard Neville and Draco chuckle next to him as Ron and Harry tried to hide their laughter at Castor's face. The students took turns flying around the fields, after Madam Hooch instructed them to.

Once it was Harry's turn, he mounted his broom and it carefully and steadily rose up high. He gripped his broom handle tightly, before feeling the rush of wind pass next to his ears and into his messy black hair. Smiling happily, he rose up farther into the air as he approached the finish line Madam Hooch had set for them. He landed professionally as applause burst from his friends.

"Mister Potter!" Madam Hooch exclaimed,clapping her hands together, "That was truly wonderful, best I've seen so far!" she confessed beaming. Draco clapped Harry on the back while Neville smiled at him and Ron gave him a light shoulder punch with a smirk.

After Harry, went the Granger girl who looked unsure if she even wanted to ride a broom. Her face was ghostly white once her broom stared rising higher and she barely made it to the finish line when she lost balance and fell from her broom. The whole class cried out as she was very high up but Ron was not one of those people. He ran to her as fast and he could attempting to catch her. And he did, except he lost balance and tumbled into the grassy field, Granger falling next to him.

He quickly got up, straightened his robes and held his hand out to her. She reluctantly took it as he helped her up.

"Thank you, I suppose" she said, then walked back to her friends who seemingly teased her about the incident.

"See, I looked like a hero of some sorts." Ron said, walking back to his friends.

"Mhm, a hero right there." Draco said, chuckling.

"Y'know, she's not even half-bad. Granger I mean." Confessed Ron, smiling.

"Someone has a crush" Neville teased with a baby voice.

"Well, what if I do?" Ron asked, "Just watch, about ten years from now and we'll be married."

"Yeah, keep dreaming Ronnie." Harry said, sarcastically.

Once they made their way back inside the castle, Harry almost bumped into Professor Mcgonagall. He looked up, expecting to meet her stern gaze but instead he saw her smiling at him.

"Mr. Potter, will you please come with me." She said. Harry exchanged looks with his friends then went with his Professor.

She first led him to a classroom, where she knocked on the door then asked Professor Gimblehawk if she could borrow Wood for a moment. Harry supposed Wood was a person as he knew it was a famous and well known last name in Quidditch. Soon enough, a young lad came out of the classroom looking confused to say the least.

"Wood, this is Harry Potter. He is a first year, yet he flies very well and he would surely ensure victory for Gryffindor this year." The Professor said excitedly, "Potter, this is Oliver Wood. The Captain of the Gryffindor Quidditch team and under the request of Madam Hooch he is going to see which of the two spots available on the team is best suitable for you; Chaser or Seeker. Meet him today on the field after dinner, then go to tryouts tomorrow if you seem fit for either of the two. You may go back to your business now."

Harry nodded and walked back to the common room where Ron, Neville and Draco waited for him. They quickly stood up and rushed towards him as soon as he walked through the portrait.

"What did Mcgonagall want?" Neville asked.

"She told me to meet the Captain of the Quidditch team after dinner to see which position I am best suitable for on the team; Seeker or Chaser." Harry recounted excitedly. His friends looked shocked.

"Bloody hell, that's brilliant!" Ron exclaimed.

"I better go tell my mum." Harry realised, running out of the portrait hole again, his friends following behind him as he made his way to the Potions classroom hoping to find his mother there, alone. Once he reached the classroom he knocked on the door.

"Come in." Lily's voice reached Harry's ears, muffled, from the other side of the door. Harry pushed the door open, his friends walking in after him, panting.

"Oh, Harry." His mother said surprised, " I wasn't expecting you, are you alright?"

"Yes, mum. I am more than alright!" He replied, jumping up and down. "Professor Mcgonagall just told me to meet Oliver Wood, the Gryffindor Quidditch Captain, to find me a spot on the team."

Harry never saw his mother's smile wider than she did at that moment. "Oh, I am so proud of you, James is going to be so happy when he hears the news!" Lily said, pulling her son in for a hug. "I know you can get a spot on the team, I believe in you so don't get stressed out."

"Don't worry, Aunt Lily, Harry is more confident than you think he is." Neville said. Harry looked at him gratefully as Lily blinked away tears of happiness.

"Well, you go do your thing kids, I have a class in a few minutes."She kissed Harry's forehead before they went back to the common room, Harry impatiently waiting to write to Emily about everything.

A/N: Hello, everyone. This chapter was quite eventful, Harry's letter Emily and his meeting with Oliver will be in the next chapter that will posted soon. I hope you enjoyed this chapter and that you are all healthy and well 💖❤

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