Chapter 1

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•𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝗢𝗻𝗲•------------------------Laughter rang out from Lily and James Potter's house in Godric's Hollow as they were dining with their friends

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•𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝗢𝗻𝗲•
Laughter rang out from Lily and James Potter's house in Godric's Hollow as they were dining with their friends.

It was September 1st 1981 and it was safe to say that the Potter family could not be happier. Lily was feedind her 1 year old son, Harry, who was sitting next to her in his high chair.

"So then... He says 'Hey evans, go out with me?' and she responds with 'For the millionth time, Potter I will never go out with you!'. But then two days later I find them holding hands in the Great Hall! Seriously Prongs, I can't beleive you did not tell me that you guys sarted dating!" Sirius shouts mockingly offended.

"Honestly Padfoot, won't you ever get over it? You are such a drama queen!" James replied smiling.

"Am not! You betrayed me!!" Sirius says wiping away a fake tear. Just then, they all burst into fits of laughter until crying is heard from the other room. Alice rushes out of the dining room and goes to check up on her son. Minutes later, she comes back with Neville drinking milk from his bottle.

Neville, the son of Alice and Frank, is a day older than Harry. They play together everyday, they share toys and Harry even let Neville borrow his broomstick that Sirius bought him for his birthday. James knows that Harry is going to be a great Quidditch player. "It is almost like I can feel it in my veins, you know." he says.

After dinner, they all help cleaning out the food and table.

They are like family, all of them living happily, not a worry in the world. Then, they went to the living room where Lily, Alice and Marlene sat talking about new activities to do all together.

"We could go to this new park that opened last week. It is so fun! It has swings and slides for the kids and a bunch of other cool stuff for the adult kids, and by that I mean them" Marlene pointed at Sirius and Remus tickling James while Peter and Frank laughed in amusement. Lily, Alice and Marlene giggled at that. Marlene then stood up and said "Love, Remus, leave James alone. Honestly the man needs to breathe!" but Sirius and Remus ignored her and continued tickling James who was now crying of laughter.

"Oi! Black! Lupin!" Lily suddnely shouted faking rage "Leave my husband alone or I swear i'll curse off your hair Black and i'll take that book that you borrowed from me back, Lupin." They suddenly stopped and backed away from James, all of them sat back and watched as Harry and Neville played on the carpet with their toys.

"Well, that was easier than I thought it would be!" Lily shrugged and went to sit next to James, he gave her a kiss on the cheek, she smiled then remembered about Marlene's suggestion. "And Mar, I will tell you when we can go to that park, maybe in the weekend because James has Aurror duties tommorow." she said and Marlene, who was sitting on Sirius' lap nodded from across the room. They had been happily dating since their sixth year at Hogwarts.

They then talked about a lot of stuff, some of them being Quidditch, books, brooms, muggle stuff, more Quidditch, Hogwarts and it was past midnight when they all left. Harry was sleeping peacefully in his room hugging a wolf teddy that was also a present but from Remus.

Harry was starting to talk a bit. He says things like mummy, daddy, uncle moony, uncle paddy and uncle wormy. He really like their cat Crookshanks, he plays with him all the time.

James and Lily went to bed after a long day, she had cooked a lot for this dinner and although James tried to help her a bit, it ended up with him apologizing for tripping and spilling all the juice bottle on himself. Lily laughed at him but tried to help him up. It only ended with her falling in the juice puddle on the floor. The couple cleaned up everything and had a shower.

Lily wad really tired that she barely had time to say "goodnight" to her husband before falling asleep.

Disclaimer: I do not own those amazing characters, they belong to JKR.
First chapter!! Sorry if it was short but it is my first time. Excuse any grammar or spelling mistakes, English isn't my first language. Please vote(if you want to). Thx.✨❤️.

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