Part 6: I Need You

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Sitting in her office, feeling the need to beat her head off the brick wall, Hermione has had enough of her current battle trying to change the laws around to stop favoring the Pure Bloods.

Every time she is in a meeting, bringing up good points and making the evidence of tyranny known- some sexist male has to comment on how she she just sit there and look pretty because as a woman and a Muggleborn- her opinion means very little in the ways of politics and bettering the magic world.


Her phone vibrates on her mahogany desktop and she swears if it's one more thing going wrong, she is going to have a coronary.

"Hello, Hermione Granger- may I ask who's calling?" She says all politely and the voice on the other end just laughs.

"You need to calm down...haha...why is it even on the phone you are so stuffy." Draco asks and Hermione growls audibly.

"How did you get my number?"

"Oh- am I not allowed to have it? Don't exactly have an owl I can keep in the pub to send out messages." Sighing, she looks out her office window at the lobby floor below and notices the people make their way around- a near perfect locomotion where no one bumps into anyone else and no one has trouble getting from one side to the other.

"Hmm...what do you need?"

"Wow...could sound a little chipper- since you snubbed me for five years." He bites slightly and she readjusts and holds herself around her waist with one arm, her phone arm propped on top of it.

"'s not you. It's just work. Men are sexist pigs and I'm tired of it."

"Sounds like you need a break."

"I do. I really do. I called Gavin to see if he was available for lunch- but he didn't pick up- must be in a meeting or with a patient.

Or fucking your best friend in the alley outback.

Draco thinks to himself as he leans on the counter.

"Well...I haven't eaten yet- if you want to snag a bite for old times sake."

She bites the inner side of her cheek- contemplating if this is an okay idea or not.

He did buy my very expensive gift the other day and there's no way I can pay him back otherwise- so maybe lunch wouldn't hurt.

That and I'm absolutely famished.

"Alright. Where should I meet you?"

"How about Victoria Park."

"I thought you wanted lunch- not a stroll."

"I got lunch covered. Just meet me there- alright?" Sighing she agrees and hangs up. Leaving her office in her white statement dress and her hair pinned back in a low sloppy bun of curls, she grabs her clutch and makes her way out of the Ministry.

Getting up on the street, she aparates to the park and finds him standing there in jeans and a black t-shirt- his hat on backwards and a smile on his face.

"There she is! The bride to be!" He calls and the few people passing in the park look at him and snicker and coo at what they assume is the happy couple.

"Shush, you are being obnoxious and embarrassing." She giggles slightly and he just smirks.

"Practicing. For your wedding I see?" He asks and she's left confused. "Your white dress you have on."

"Oh...haha, no- just one of my work outfits. You look very...casual."

"What? I was working too. You don't exactly want to wear your best formals when the drinks start slinging and sloshing their drinks all over the place."

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