Part 23: Prepare Yourself

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Arriving at the Cathedral- Hermione walks up the steps and through the entrance hall. Heading down the stone steps to the rectory where she will get ready for her wedding. She has very little time to get ready to ruin Gavin's life.

"There you are! She's here!" Ginny calls and is already in her petal pink glittery bridesmaids dress. The halter top accentuates her slim toned body. While the light pink compliments her fiery hair. "Are you trying to break the record for fastest wedding preparations?"

"No, I was just finishing up some things."

"Like what?" She asks and Hermione is actually quite proud of herself for such a clever idea. But she doesn't want to spoil the show.

"You'll see." She quietly says as she passes her friend to get dressed. Walking into the rectory, she finds her Mum, her Aunt, the three girls for her flower maids, Luna, Sarah, and Cho: all dressed and ready. "Hello, I'm here."

"Where were you?" Her mother asks.

"At work. I had a few final things to do before today."

"You were supposed be here hours ago- getting your hair done and your make up and getting in your dress. We still have photos to take before the ceremony." Her mother nags and Hermione sets her bag down on the table and sits in a chair, where her Aunt does her hair in a low curly bun and pins flowers in it above her veil. She leaves two wavy strands of hair to frame her heart shaped face and sprays her with hair pray to keep it from moving and coming out: because even with magic- Hermione's hair has a mind of its own.

"Harry just rang. Said Gavin should be here in twenty minutes." Ginny comes in and watches the production of Hermione getting ready.

Ginny wanted to use magic to get everything done quickly- mostly because it's easy- but also because they are running out of time because Hermione is playing games today.

But she has refrained because Aunt Evelyn and the girls are Muggles and don't know about all their special gifts.

Sarah catches eyes with Hermione and she just smiles kindly. Hermione smiles, but underneath it is a slew of curses and hexes she wants to spout.

"Cho, start on her make up will you? We still need to get her in this gown- which is absolutely gorgeous." Lydia says. "Draco really gave you the best wedding gift."

"He picked it out actually." Hermione casually says- but her mind wanders to him.

She wishes he was here. She wishes she and him were going to walk down the aisle today and say vows and get married.

She highly doubts he'll ever talk to her again.

"Really? He picked this? I would have thought he'd of picked something sluttier and more revealing with how he is." Ginny states and the girls giggle- except Hermione and Luna.

"No...actually I tried on every dress in the store- slutty and revealing and matronly and garish. Over 100 dresses I put on. Every slutty one he hated it because he said it wasn't me."

"So he doesn't think your sexy?" Emilea asks and her mother smacks her her slightly. "What? Sexy isn't bad bad word."

"It's not that he didn't find me...flatter..." She catches her tongue so not to get hit by her Aunt and the girls giggle even more knowing what she meant. "He just knows that not the kind of woman I am. To be revealing and risqué. So he picked this one and we both fell in love with it. He was actually speechless when he saw me."

"Really? He was speechless?" Cho asks.

"Couldn't keep his eyes off of her." Luna tells and Hermione still finds it odd with her intuitive thinking.

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