Part 13: A Threat

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Sunday, July 10th

It was odd.

Talking to Ashley and then being yelled at by Draco and Hines for just showing up.

All she wanted to do was apologize for the night before and make it better between her and Draco.

But the second she sat down at the bar and started talking to the beautiful blonde behind the bar, she felt as if she couldn't look away from her. She was a captivating creature- pure smooth silky skin. Blazing blue piercing eyes that reel you in and her smile that makes you question things you normally wouldn't question.

Their conversation is a bit of a blur, but what she does remember before the yelling commenced is her saying that she and Draco were a thing.

At the time it didn't faze her.

At the time she didn't care what he was saying.

But now- sitting in her living room chair staring at a book- she feels odd about the whole encounter.

Something was off.

Something wasn't right.

But what?

Going into the office space- where she and Gavin keep the book case, she pulls out some of her books- one in particularly catches her eye.

Going through her old Defense Against the Dark Arts book, she flips through and searches for something she read a long time ago.


" are perfect." She says against his chest and uses her foot to rub up and down his leg.

"Not so bad yourself." He says and she kisses him longingly.

"I'm so glad we're doing this finally. I was starting to think it'll never happen." Draco looks at her and smile softly, not wanting to look away as his phone rings.

"I should get that." He says and she uses her fingers to make him look at her.

"Leave it. It's nothing important. They can leave a message. Right now- you're with me." She purrs and kisses him all over his neck and jaw again.

"It could be business related."

"Or it could be someone trying to ruin your life some more. Just leave it, Baby. Make love to me instead."

"We just had sex four times...I can't right now..." He painfully says.

He feels so weak right now. He's honestly surprised he's lasted the two times, but he's up to four and that's about all his body can take at the moment.

Grabbing his cock in her hand, she gazes into his eyes and strokes him hard. He aches horribly, but he can't resist the natural order of things.

"I think we should make love again."

"Ow...please....Ash, Darling I can't." She ignores him- her intense staring just hazing the world around him and making him feel lost in thoughts of only her.

*** 7:30 p.m**

"Do you know how to pick up your phone?" Ginny comes into Hermione's apartment and finds her head down into a book reading intensely. Her eyes scanning every line. "You realize you're not in school any more. You don't need to cram for your O.W.L.S."

"I'm worried." Hermione says never peeling her eyes away from the paragraph she's on.

"Worried about what?"

"About Draco."

"You put all your time and effort into him. Why? You're getting married in 6 days!"

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