Part 19: I Don't Want It

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As the party blazes forward, the strippers having left as well as some of the guests- Sarah included- Hermione is beyond buzzed at this point. Hermione is more or less legless.

"Imma...Imma go to Loooo..." She slurs as she struggles to stand.

"You need any help dear?" Her Mum- who is about one of the only sober ones at this point- asks and Hermione shakes her head no and takes off while a drunk Ginny and Luna talk about the ins and outs of Thestral Sex they made that conversation up- no one dare ask.

Walking down the hall, Hermione, looks for the bathroom and decides she doesn't want a public Loo- she wants a private one and opens the door that goes up to Draco's apartment. With her bag on her hip, she climbs the stairs- clutching the railing to make sure she doesn't cascade backwards to her death and eventually makes it to the top of the landing and across the five feet of flooring to his locked door. Taking out her wand, she snickers a bit.

"AlHoaMoron." Nothing happens and she shakes her head. "Come on nit. Alohamora."


"Thaaaank queee..." Heading inside, she shuts the door and looks around at the small, bare apartment. Taking the time to memorize every little detail, she finds his bookshelf and notices all the things he received from their first and only Christmas together. Bypassing it, she goes into his bathroom in his hallway and finds it very simple.





All black tiles.

All white appliances.

"Godric...that's sexy." She mutters to herself and lifts the toilet seat up. "It's"

Gavin never cleans the toilet.

He doesn't even put the seat down.

And he doesn't resupply the toilet paper and when he does- he puts it on the wrong way- where it comes out the back and not the front.

(Go ahead- fight me on it haha)

Lifting her dress up and pulling down her sexy lace panties, she sits down and does her thing. Dozing off just a tad as she does and yet when she wakes up- she has a great idea.

"Ha...find these...prat..." Sliding down her panties, she 'hides' them on the handle of his sink as she washes her hands. Looking up into the mirror, she sees something familiar taped to the side of it.

You can do anything because you are intelligent, courageous, caring, funny, and loved. I believe in you and will always be by your side.


Her heart sinks and snaps and drowns in the ever growing despair.

He put it here so he can read it every time he goes to wash his hands.

I've lied to him.

I won't always be by his side.

I'll be by Gavin's...

Going out, she walks to his living room and reaches in her bag. Pulling out the clay snowmen he made specially for her- she tears up as she goes to set it on the shelf next to his other treasures.

"What are you doing?" He asks softly from the door way. She turns and looks at him- a few tears playing in her eyes.

" this ba...back to you." Slurring her words and trying not to cry, she goes to hand him the clay figures and he shakes his head.

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