Part 8: Weasley vs Malfoy

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Thursday, July 7th

It wasn't that she didn't want to see Draco- she did, but something told her that it would be one of those meetings where she wants to pull her hair out.

Standing outside The Serpent's Drink, Ginny wonders if she's making a mistake coming here to meet him.

She's been on edge lately.

Hermione being very open and talkative about Draco makes her feel like this meeting is only contributing to Hermione's deviating mind.

"You gonna stand there all day or are you going to come in and have a drink?" He asks from the door way.

She didn't realize she was spacing out staring at his sign- the snake looking down at her menacingly.

"Shut up." Walking in- she pushes passed him and begins taking in the scene. "Seems presentable. I'm surprised."

"I'll have you know, I've always prided myself on appearances."

"That explains the lack of charismatic empathy." She jests.

"Are you implying, I am cold and uncaring?"

"You were in Slytherin were you not?"

"Is anyone else getting the feeling we should get the riot gear out?" Rodney says to Hines- never taking his eyes off of the ginger haired woman.

"We're kidding. If we were nice to each other- then I would be worried if I were you."Sniggering, Draco hugs Ginny and she looks him over.

"You've gotten...ripped." She states after feeling his muscles under his clothes.

"Thanks? Just working."

"Anyway- I was thinking now that I've Barney he space- why don't we discuss things on the pitch?"

"Non-users, Gin."

"I know. Come on." She gestures back towards the door and Draco seems confused. "You do still ride- don't you?"

"It's been a good minute."

"Do you have you equipment still?"

"Upstairs." He states and heads off. Ginny follows him and his friends wonder exactly what they are talking about.

"Nice place. Kinda...bare...and boring. Do you own any photos or wall decorations?" She looks around his apartment and his just rolls his eyes.

"Yeah- it's called plaster." Going to his cupboard, he opens it up and grabs his Nimbus 2001, his boots and pads, and old school jumper.

"I'm surprised you still have that stuff."


"Cause Hermione told me you've gone Muggle on us."

"Huh...she has a big mouth doesn't she." Pulling his shirt on, he tugs on his sweater and for a brief moment- Ginny admired his body.

"She's concerned. As anyone would be."

"Why? It isn't like I'm that important in the world."

"Maybe you don't think so- but you are to some people."

"Harry miss me that bad?" Joking, he grabs his pants and changes, not caring that she sees his black silk boxers.

"Ha! Malfoy, who?"


"Joking. Baby. He asks about you. Not that anyone has anything to tell him...well, up until now. Hermione enjoys making you the topic of conversation lately." He looks up from pull on his boots and pads and sighs.

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