Part 10: Insults

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Friday July 8th

Wiping up a small sticky patch from the bar top, Draco listens to Rodney and Ashley bicker back and forth about something less than amusing.

He's observed these two for years and his conclusion is that they need to just fuck and get it over with.

Honestly, at this point someone in this building should get some- because it definitely isn't going to be him.

"Will you two take a break, fuck somewhere and then get back to work." He nonchalantly growls as he rinses the sticky rag in the sink.

"What?!" They both exclaim and Draco dries his hands- the cuts on his hand bandaged in gauze. They asked him this morning what happened and why Hermione seemed to run out haphazardly and looking pale. His response was complete silence and they had their suspicions.

"You two have been playing this game for the last four years. Either Fuck or get a new job because I'm not listening to it any more." Putting the towel on the edge of the sink, he looks at them angrily. "Well?!"

"" They stammer and he just points with his thumb over his shoulder.

"Just go. I can't with either of you tonight." They awkwardly disappear and he hears the employee lounge door lock. The bell on the door rings and a ton of people come in and stagger out around the space. "Welcome guys! Good to see you again."

"Yo, Draco- are you playing tonight?" A black man with long dreads comes up to him and they shake hands and pound their fists with an enthusiastic smile.

"David, what night is it?"


"So don't you know the answer to that."

"Haha, man- I was just checkin'. Don't come in here for the tail you know....although the arse on that one is phenomenal. Do me a solid and play a slow song tonight to I can shoot my shot." Winking at his pale friend, David takes the two beers Draco gives him and puts his money down on the bar, plus a tip- and walks off to the very pretty blonde girl.

Putting the money in the register- he serves a few more and by the time the fifteenth one comes up, Ashley and Rodney have returned- the awkwardness and bickering stopped and she fixes her hair that is slightly mussed.

"Better?" He asks and Ashley rolls her eyes and Rodney gives him a secret thumbs up. "Alright- I'm gonna do my thing. Behave you two."

"Shut up you're not the boss of me!" Ashley jokes and he flips her the bird and grabs his guitar- having already gotten the mic and speakers set up. The door opens and he notices Hermione walk in and his smile widens, until he sees Gavin come in and drape his arm around her shoulder like he does the blonde girl. "Hey, Everyone! How are we tonight?"

They cheer and call to him.

"Great! So I have a new one for you- it's fairly new and I hope it sounds okay." He pretends not to watch Hermione and Gavin sit a table away from the stage and he ignores her gaze and his scowling expression.

Baby are you here to talk?
Or fight?
Because it's been hard,
To distinguish our wrongs from rights,
Aren't you tired of holding on,
Never letting go,
Of the pieces that once were whole?

Well I don't want to say it,
but I will,
I think that it's over the hill,

In case we don't stay together,
I want you to know,
You were the best thing that
I ever got to hold,
And if you feel this way too
And your hearts done with the abuse,
I understand you,
And I'll let you go, oh.

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