Part 25: The Vows of The Scorned

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Standing at the alter, ready to read her vows, Hermione looks deep into Gavin's eyes and readies herself for what is to come.

"Gavin, two years ago, I met you and I thought my life couldn't get any better. You opened my world up and showed me that not everything is as it seems. A year and a half ago, you proposed and I thought I was the luckiest girl on this Earth. Oh how wrong I was." Everyone gets quieter than they were and Gavin's face drops significantly and contorts into a very big disgusted grimace. "I thought you were honest and loved me and that I couldn't get anyone better than you- but you went and proved me so wrong. Not only have you been cheating on me since before you proposed to me. You have been cheating since then, with someone I considered a good friend. You have lied about being married before and having a child you refuse to support because you dislike children: which you also lied and said you wanted some one day. You are far from a good man and I guess I'm a fool for ever thinking you were. You were never my soulmate. He's out there and I don't have far to go to find him."

Everyone is speechless and the reporters are loving this so much. Camera's flashing and whispers of gossip flying about the cathedral. The priest closes his book and walks away- understanding fully that there will be no wedding here today.

As Hermione turns to leave, Gavin grabs her at her elbow.

"You're not leaving me at this alter." He growls deeply and Hermione- in all her glory and rage- turns around with one clean twist of the heel and punches him hard in the face- knocking him backwards towards his groomsmen and causing his nose to bleed.

"You don't have a say in what I do. You lousy piece of shit." She turns her attention to Sarah, who looks pale as a ghost. "If you want him- have him. But don't be surprised when he fucks you over too."

Everyone on Gavin's side of the church become loud and roar in anger at the profanity being slung about their holy sanctuary. On Hermione's side- they hoot and holler for an entirely different reason.

"You go Granger!" George cheers as well as Bill and Arthur- who gets a scolding look. From Molly for a brief second- before she too cheers. Walking down the steps, she's ready to go, when Gavin's mother Beatrice steps in front of her.

"You ungreatful, wretched little bitch. You will pay for this. For embarrassing my son."

"Sorry to inform you, but you're son is the embarrassment. And you're a pathetic." Stalking off down the aisle she passes her parents- who smile slightly at how grown up Hermione is. Not everyone would stand up in front of a crowd of people and denounce the man they thought they loved.

Ginny, Harry, Ron, Luna, and Neville all follow after her  and once they are out into the Hall- they hustle around her and hug her tightly.

"That was bloody brilliant." Ron says with a smirk and Hermione grins proudly.

"What are you going to do now?" Neville asks.

"Well...I have two options. One, go to the reception and party my single life away...or go find my soulmate." She softens and they all smile at her.

"I think we both know which you should choose." Ginny kindly says after the last week of stressing her friend out- now feeling horrible for doing so.

"Yeah...I think we all agree which you should do." Harry says and holds her hand.

"I have missed him being in our gang." Luna joyfully chortles.

"Yeah... as weird at it is- I do kinda miss the conversations." Neville adds and they look at Ron.

"Aye...he was good to you- better than me. Definitely better than that arsehole." Laughing, she hugs him and then smiles widely- her cheeks pinking as she thinks about Draco.

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