Part 20: Empty Space

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The drive home to her mother's house was unbearable.

It was awkward.

It was silent.

It was unfortunately long.

Pulling up to Aunt Evelyn's home- having been moved back since three years ago, Evelyn gets out of the car and just smiles weakly at her sister.

"I'll see you tomorrow, Pet." They wave and Lydia continues on home late looking up in the mirror every so often to look at her upset angry daughter. Parking in the driveway, she turns the car off, but doesn't unlock the doors.

"What the Hell?" Hermione tries to bust through after the handle doesn't work and she looks at her Mum. "Can you unlock the door?"

"Can you explain what happened back there?" Furrowing her brows and crinkling her nose up, Hermione glowers at her mother.


"That wasn't nothing- and don't lie to me, Hermione Jean Granger!"

"He was being a part!"

"What did he do?"


Told me the truth.

Called me out.


"I don't care what he did, Hermione. I don't care that you're 24 years old and are getting married tomorrow. That man had given you a great shower. He bought your bloody wedding gown. Not to mention how sweet he had been over your last year and the last two months."

"He broke my snowman." She cries hysterically and Lydia shakes her head.

"When did he do that?"


"And how did he get it?"

"I took it there to give it to him and he broke it." She feels so stupid for crying as she is, but between being drunk and over emotional- and just frustrated and stressed out- she can't help it.

"Well that was bloody inconsiderate of you." Her mother says without turning around.


"Yes! You! You know that boy had feelings for you. You know you're getting married tomorrow. Why on Earth would you think it was okay to give him back a gift he gave you years ago? One he worked hard to make. Why would that be a good idea?" When's she doesn't answer, her mother growls and gets out of the car and pulls open Hermione's door and gets in her face- pointing her finger at her daughter angrily. "You are a very smart girl, Hermione. You have a great job and a man whom you love. You don't get to go around acting oblivious of your actions. This is what happened between you and Ron and Draco before. Broke up with one, got back together, hurt the other one- then turned around made it better only to re-hurt the original. That was bullshit. You did it with Draco's best friend as well. Played your childish game to get Draco's attention instead of sucking up the fact that you hurt him and talking to him like a normal decent human being. If you sit there and tell me you were oblivious of your actions and the repercussions of them: then that tells me I didn't do as great a job teaching you right from wrong like I previously thought. Now get your arse out of this car and get your arse up to bed- you have a long day tomorrow."

Hermione gets out of the car and her father is standing at the open front door- looking confused. She hustles passed and upstairs to her room.

"What's gone on?"

"She's pissed because she's still playing games with the Malfoy boy's heart. Acting like the victim in all this." She snaps and Paul shakes his head.

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