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Lia's pov

I haven't been asleep all night looking around for Arianna. I only left for only left her alone for 10 minutes. Fuck I'm such a bad friend. I was calling her all night. That guy, Sin was not that fucking cute to lose my friend.

I heard my phone ring and I went running to my phone.

"Hello! Arianna, is this you? Girl I've been looking everywhere for you. I should've never let you walk off." I said.

"Um your friend is sleeping right now." a deep voice said.

"And who the hell are you?! If I find out you took advantage of her. I went to law school you will not go without at least 20 years." I said.

"No, I did not take advantage of her. I would never do something like that. She was drunk in the middle of the dance floor and I couldn't get ahold of anyone else. Which is why I'm calling now. Besides if I took advantage of her why would I call for you to come to get her?" He asked.

"Okay, I'm sorry. I just worried. I-

"I understand. I would be worried if my little friend was lost," he said.

"How did you know she was a little?" I asked.

"I'll send you the address of my house. You can come over for breakfast and I can explain," he said.

"No thank you. How about we meet somewhere public and talk? Maybe a cafe." I said.

"Whatever you are comfortable with," he said.

"What's your name?" I asked.

"Dominick Knight," he said

"Thank you," I said.

I ended the call and threw my phone onto the counter.

"SHIT!" I yelled.

How fucking careless can I be? A fucking hair shouldn't be off her head. I quickly showered and got dressed, after pulling out my computer to research on Dominick Knight.


After about an hour I figured out that he runs a mafia here in New York. Had 1 girlfriend in his life. Owns 3 houses. Parents are Blade and Cass Knight. Family tree, previous addresses, medical records. Own 5+ clubs and 2 companies. You can say that CSI major helped.

No criminal record or suspect record for anything, so I guess I trust him to be with Arianna. Now for this breakfast.

Dominick's pov

Arianna has one fiery friend. She seems like the type of girl who can kill you in daylight and still get away with it.

"Princess, it's time to get up," I said.

"No I'm sleepy," she whined pulling the blanket over her head.

"I called your friend, Lia and she wants to pick you up," I said.

She slowly opened her eyes and frowned.

"But I don't want to leave," she said

"Well, we have to go to breakfast with her. I'm sure you can convince her to let you come tomorrow." I said.

She crossed her arms and shook her head.

"Can't I call her? I am a grown woman. I don't need anyone's permission to do anything." she said.

"Well, princess you have to understand. She's worried about you. How would you feel if she disappeared and you couldn't find her?" I asked.

"I would be scared. I guess you're right." she sighed.

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