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Arianna's pov

Dominick and I were on our way to our appointment. I was honestly a bit nervous. What if it was a false positive and we got everyone excited for nothing? At first I was unsure, but now I really want this pregnancy. I've always wanted to be a mom and I'm in a secure relationship. Why wait?

We made it to the hospital and met with Alexandria. "Hey, Alexandria. Thanks for fitting us in." Dominick said.

"Anytime," she gleamed. She led us to the room for my ultrasound. We went into the room and I laid on the bed. Alexandria took this cool gel and spread it along my stomach before grabbing the machine. I was always so fascinated with how these things worked.

"If you look at then there is your baby and it looks like it's actually twins," Alexandria said

"Twins?!" I said in disbelief. I never thought I'd go from 0 to 2.

"So there's two of them in there," Dominick said maybe even more shocked than I am. Alexandria laughed.

"Yes, Dominick, that's what twins are," Alexandria said. I'm still a little shocked. Two kids at once? Can I do that?

"When can we find out the gender?" I said.

"Well you can figure it out as early as 4 months but it'll be more accurate 5 closer to 6 months," Alexandria said, starting to clean up the gel. I fixed up my clothes and sat up in the bed.

"And when will I start showing?" I asked.

"With twins between the third and fourth months," Alexandria said.

"When would we come back for another appointment?" Dominick asked.

"At the fourth. month mark, so we can see the progress of the first trimester." Alexandria said. "Not to scare you, but twins are definitely a more dangerous pregnancy. Luckily you got pregnant at the perfect time because the trauma on your body in the past would've made this difficult." I took a deep breath and Dominick placed his hand on mine.

"Okay, thank you, Alexandria," Dominick said and she left to give us so room.

"We're going to be parents," Dom said.

"Yes, we are," I said. To two children at once.

"I hope it's two boys," he said. I rolled my eyes and scoffed. Of course he does.

"Of course you would. I'd rather have one boy and a girl." I said.

"If we do have a boy. I wanted to ask if we could name one after my brother." Dominick asked. Dominick has told me once in the past that he'd name his son after his brother instead of himself. I, of course have no problem with him.

"Of course, Dominick. I know how important that is to you." I assured him.

"I was thinking Aris Cameron Knight." he said.

"I love that name. I bet you've been thinking that." I said.

"For a while actually," he said almost as if it hurt.

"Well if it was a girl I think the name Naomi Faith Knight would be nice," I said.

"Then it's set. Hello future Aris and Naomi," he said.

"We don't even know the genders," I said.

"It'll be a boy and girl I can feel it," he said.

"Okay baby whisperer," I laughed.

We wrapped up in the room and made our way to the car. I started to get cravings and wanted seafood, but I can't have seafood. So, we went to get pizza instead.

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