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~one year later~

Arianna's pov

I finally was able to get over the whole kidnapped thing from last year. I learned a bit more about Dominick's relationship with his brother and what happened.

I've gotten closer to Zyaire than ever. I go to therapy every Monday and Friday and it's been a big help. Everyone else has been helpful too. "Arianna move your ass!" Talia yelled.

"I'm coming," I whined. Talia, Lia, and I were going out because Dominick had a fun day planned for us. He said we were going out for dinner. I wonder what he's up to.

"Ok, so which dress do you like?" Lia asked. Well, there's an obvious choice here.

"The black one," I said.

"No Arianna. You always wear a black dress, pick something else." Lia yelled. I rolled my eyes and sighed. Dramatic, much?

"Then why was it an option?" I asked.

"To test you," Talia said.

"Fine, I do love the blue one," I said. It was nice actually. Maybe even better than the black one

"The blue one it is," Talia said.

"Girl, you finna get some dick tonight," Lia said. I laughed and waved her off. Dominick haven't done anything in months. We did it once because I was spiraling about Jackson being my last. Though he put up the barrier that nothing else would happen till I fully healed. I appreciated him for that but a girl has been deprived.

"That reminds me. I need to go pick up my birth control." I said.

"We'll get that later," Lia said. We finished shopping for clothes, makeup, and all that. After getting my birth control Lia and Talia helped me get ready.

"Alright, I think we're done," I said. Lia sprayed some more setting spray and then smiled.

"Now we're done," she said. I picked up my purse from the bed and placed it over my shoulder.

"Josh is here to drive you so get," Talia said I got into the car and I think I forgot something. I went through everything but I did everything I needed to do. I tried to shake the feeling and looked out the window. We got to the destination and it was the same as I went the other time. I walked down the path and found Dominick in the same spot.

"Hello Arianna," he said.

"Hi," I blushed. "What do you have planned for today?"

"Well before we eat I have to do this," he said. Dominick came over and grabbed my hand. He guided me toward the gazebo and let me go. He kneeled on the ground and pulled out a ring.

"Oh my god," I whispered. I clapped my hand over my mouth. This is really happening.

"Before I met you I never thought I could ever love. You made me believe that even a man who has done as much bad as me could get so lucky. You came into my life when I needed you the most. Without even knowing you have made everyone's life around us so much better. Especially mine. With everything we've gone through, I know you are the only person I will ever want to spend my life with. So, Arianna Grace Johnson will you make me the luckiest man alive and marry me?" he said.

I was in shock. Tears were running down my face. No wonder Talia was so pushy on waterproof makeup. I nod excitedly.

"Yes of course I'll marry you," I said. He slid the ring on my finger and he stood up. He pulled me in by my waist for a kiss.

"I love you, Arianna," he said.

"I love you too Dominick," I said. We sat down to eat and I don't think I could've been happier.

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