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Arianna's pov

I woke up in my car seat and I could feel more little than I've been for a while. Daddy came to pick me up despite my weak attempt to push him off. I was exhausted despite just waking up. I tried to talk to him but I couldn't form any words. Daddy had moved me onto his hip when he felt I was wet.

"Let's get you changed right quick." Daddy said.

I started whining because I did not want to be changed in a public mall. "Don't worry princess. I have a company close by," he said putting back into my car seat.

He got back into the car which came to a stop like 5 minutes later. "I'm going to lie you down princess." Daddy said. I nodded as he began to change me. I whined as he used the wet wipes. He rubbed my thigh, calming me down a bit. Daddy dressed me and picked me up off the couch. We went back to the mall where he walked around.

"Princess do you want to pick some clothes?" he asked.

I shook my head, whining before I nuzzled my head in the crook of his neck.

Dominick's pov

Ever since this incident with Lila and Miracle, Arianna's little space has been up and down. She's been way younger than normal. First, she needs diapers again then she won't talk. I hope this can all be resolved before we go to my parent's house. She'll be extremely overwhelmed when we get there. Of course, I'm not complaining, I love when she's little.

I chose clothes for her and some for me as well. I tried to finish shopping as quickly as possible so Arianna could nap. It was a challenge holding her the whole time. I picked up some snacks for Arianna since we didn't eat at the mall. On the way home there were gunshots all around the car. I quickly called everyone.

"What's going on Dominick?" Leo asked.

"Yea you haven't made a group call in forever," Wade said.

"Get over to Kings. Arianna and I are being shot at. Hurry." I said

I grabbed a spare gun out of the glove compartment and rolled down my window. Holy shit am I outnumbered. 3 cars with at least 2 people in each. I shot at the window of the car behind me, breaking the window. Killing the person in front, caused the car to spiral into another. Thank you dad for those lessons. It wasn't long before I was out of bullets. I reloaded my gun and as I stuck my arm out the window I was shot.

"Fuck!" I groaned rolling up the window.

"Alright man, we're here. Try and get home quick." Max said.

"Okay, and call Alexandria." I gritted out.

"Alexandria? Were you shot? Or Arianna?" Talon said.

"It's my arm, just tell her to get over quick," I said.

"On it," Liam said.

I lost them on the highway and made it home. I picked Arianna up out of her car seat with one arm and held her on my hip.

"Where's the bullet?" she asked.

"In my arm," I said putting Arianna down on the couch.

I sat down on the couch as Alexandria got all her materials. She went to clean it and that shit hurt so bad. I tried my best not to jerk away as she tried to remove the bullet.

"I think you might need to go to the hospital," she said.

"Fuck no. I have to see my mom tomorrow. It's bad enough I have to explain being shot, let alone being in a hospital bed." I said.

"The bullet is extremely close to an important nerve. If I try to remove it without the right equipment you can lose feeling in your arm," she said.

"Shit. Can't you call Sabrina?"I said.

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