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Arianna's pov

Daddy and I were getting ready for dinner now after our nap. I wore a black tube top and a black button-up shirt with a white skirt. I don't know why Daddy gave me a white skirt cause I don't wanna mess them up. I went to sit in the living room since I was finished getting dressed.

Cassandra had soon come down in a white pencil dress with sleeves. "You look adorable, Arianna," she said.

"Tank you."I blushed. Blade soon came down in a black v-neck and a blazer with jeans. Cassandra wasn't very happy tho.

"Blade Zion Knight. Take your ass back upstairs and put on some different pants. We are going to dinner." she scolds making me giggle.

"But Cassandra." He said.

"Don't Cassandra me. Back upstairs and Dominick if you dare come out in jeans I will shoot you both," she said.

I laughed knowing that Daddy only packed jeans. She then got a call and walked off. Daddy came out of our room and sighed when his mother wasn't there.

"What the hell am I supposed to do? I don't have any pants she calls normal," he said.

"Ask you, dad, for pants," I said.

"That might work," he said going up the stairs.

I turned to my stuffie Molly and placed her on my lap.

"See Molly you should be very happy you're a stuffie. You don't have to worry about clothes." I said.

"Being a human is very hard sometimes," I said as Daddy and Blade came downstairs arguing.

"Why the fuck do you buy pants so damn tight?" Daddy said.

"I don't know. They make my legs look nice." Blade shrugged.

"Oh my lord, dad. You're such a girl." Daddy said before going into our room.

He came back out in the jeans he had on before. "Because my daddy seems to like to wear jeans 5 sizes too small," he said mockingly before getting up.

Blade came and sat next to me in his place. "How dare he say my pants are too small! I think they're a perfect size." Blade said dramatically.

I laughed at him and he looked over at me and gasped.

"Dom! Arianna's being really mean to me," he said.

"W-what no I'm not. You not telling the truth." I said.

"Are you saying I'm lying? Dominick, Arianna is calling me a liar," he said even louder.

"No stop. I didn't" I said getting frustrated.

"Blade leave that poor child alone," Cass said.

He huffed and I stuck my tongue out at him. I laughed as Daddy came over with my shoes. He helped me put them on while I played with Molly. I placed Molly beside me and hopped off the couch.

"I going, potty Daddy," I said.

"Alright princess," he said.

I walked to our bathroom and quickly used the restroom. I washed my hands and went out of the living to find Cassandra yelling at Daddy and Blade.

"Dominick why are you wearing those jeans and Blade why do you have those tight ass pants on?" she scolds.

"I was going to wear some of my father's since I didn't have any other kind, but he insist on my buying pants that makes his legs look like sticks." Daddy said.

"Blade your excuse?" Cass asked.

"I like the way they make my legs look." Blade said.

"You know what let's go," she said.

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