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Arianna's pov

I was in the bathroom getting dressed since we were going to Dominick's parent's house. Dom told me to meet him in the car whenever I finished. When I came out of our room Lila was outside the door. I'm still upset about what happened but I'm not going to waste anything more tears.

"Arianna can I talk to you?" she asked.

"What is it? Did you not get enough hits?" I asked.

"No, I just wanted to apologize to you for what we did. I hope you would forgive us," she said.

"Okay, and where's Miracle or is she going to like pop out a grab me," I said sarcastically looking around.

"No, we wouldn't. She right there." Lila said pointing to the stair.

Miracle walked downstairs holding her ass. It took a lot for me to not laugh. "It looks like you two had fun last night," I said with a smile.

"Trust me we did not." Miracle said.

"I wanted to apologize too. I'm sorry we did that," she said.

"Are you sorry you did it or sorry you got caught?" I scoffed.

"Sorry, we did it," Lila said.

"Well let me not take too much of your time. You know I don't wanna get too whiny or bitchy." I said before walking away.

I walked out to the car and got in beside Dominick. "You ready, baby?" he asked.

"Yup." I sighed as he pulled out the driveway.

"Are you hungry? We can stop somewhere before we start," he said.

"Yea I could eat," I said grabbing my book.

He pulled up to Ihop which is the best breakfast restaurant ever. We both got pancakes and orange juice. I didn't want to get anything too sugary in case of being in little space at their house.

We stayed parked so that we could eat our food. After we finished eating he started crying again. We were in the car for about an hour and we still were there. My little space was fluctuating as I tried to keep it in.

"Daddy are we there yet?" I asked.

"Not yet princess. It's about 30 more minutes. How about you take a nap and I'll wake you up when we're there." he said.

"Okayy." I pout.

I cuddled myself up on the seat so I could sleep.

*mini time skip*

I felt myself being picked up. I opened my eyes and it was just Daddy.

"We're here now. Do you think you can walk so I can get our bags?" he asked.

I nodded. "Can I have Molly?" I asked.

"Here you go princess," he said handing it to me.

He grabbed our bags and we walked to the door. Daddy knocked at the door which was answered by a tall woman. She had brown hair that was pulled up into a nice updo style. She looked pretty young to be Dominick's mom though. She was taller than me of course but shorter than Dom. She seemed nice and excited.

"Oh my god Blade! They're here!" she said excitedly. An older man soon came to the door. He had jet black hair and brown eyes like the lady. He had a stubbled beard and a serious look on his face. Which softened when he saw us.

"Hi you two must be Arianna and Dominick." the man said.

"Yes, sir we are. We'll be staying with you for the week." Daddy joked.

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