Calm Down

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Vance feels a sharp pain in his stomach as a warm red fluid drip from his wound. He grits his teeth, turning to see the concern in Kim's eye, having rushed in to protect her. He flashes a cheesy smile and assures her, "It's fine it's just a flesh wound."

Kim glares at Sunny and Kel, blade drawn now not for gain, but to protect Vance. "That's enough!" Kim yells, "Stay away from him or I'll gut you like a fish!"

"Woah Sunny easy!" Kel exclaims trying to deescalate the situation, "Guys! Let's just take a deep breath we can all still walk away from this!"

Sunny doesn't respond. His eyes remain locked with Kim.

Kim is AFRAID.

Sunny is AFRAID.

Each is two afraid of the other to drop their weapon.

Kim grips her butterfly knife, the handle of the blade blue like her jacket, in a death grip. Her hands shake as her knuckles turn white from how tight her grasp has become.

"Sunny," Kel sternly demands, "Drop the knife. Show them we don't want trouble."

Sunny is AFRAID, he looks at Kim, the blue handle shining in the sunlight. He can't make his hand let go, it feels like its glued to the blade, he has to…


Sunny takes a deep breath, slow, in and out, and centers himself. 

Sunny is no longer AFRAID.

Sunny looks Kim dead in the eye, the girl awaiting his next move. Sunny grips the knife, pointing it downwards towards the ground, before dropping it. He steps back, showing he doesn't want to fight.

Kim, still trembling puts the knife back in her pocket, her breathing heavy and jagged, "OK… OK… we're cool. We're cool…"

Kim stands back, checking on Vance. 

"I'm OK," Vance assures Kim, "Just bandage this up and I'll be fine."

"What is wrong with you guys?" Kel demands.

"Look we just really need money," Kim pleads, "If we don't get the cash soon Au-"

"What's with the ruckas?" A voice inquires.

Everyone turns to see Aubrey approaching the group. She has a cold glare that she faces the situation with, feigning indifference despite intense concern for her friends as to look tough. 

She looks at Vance with hidden concern, sighing, "And this is why we keep it small. Go patch yourself up. Kim, keep him safe."

"Aubrey we-" Kim protests, knowing Aubrey is angry at her.

"Go." She glares with death in her eyes, a facade to hide how worried she is for Vance, to create a false image of rage and force, "NOW."

Kim nods and silently leads Vance away. Aubrey turns to Kel and Sunny.

"So you're out," Aubrey greets Sunny.

She wants to hug him, for just a moment her arms rise up half an inch, starting the movement, but she stops herself. She collects herself and states with a fake coldness, "Have a good one."

Aubrey begins to walk away but Kel protests, "Aubrey wait."

Aubrey is trying her hardest not to smile. Do they really care after all this time? Is she really not alone anymore? Sure she cares about Kim and Vance and co, but she doesn't feel she can be herself with them. 

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