A Nice Breakfast

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Sunny shakes his head now, tossing his drip jacket on the ground, rejecting the falsehoods of dream and greed.

Omori adjusts his jacket with a disapproving glare, but exits the room all the same.

Omori glares at Jawsume, knife in hand.

"So it shall be," Jawsume explains getting up. He rips the sleeves of his suit off to reveal arms bulging with strength, he declares, "For the good of my world, I declare you bankrupt, and will claim my debts as your life!"

Omori smiles madly, "Actually… I'm in the mood for shark fin soup…"

Jawsume charges Omori, snapping at his head, only for Omori to dodge, but he is confused… his legs don't move of his will…

It's not Omori who wants to live…

It's Sunny who wants to live and learn the truth of SOMETHING!

A violin appears in his hand, he lifts it to play but…

The song… He can't remember it…

How did it go?

Jawsume charges Sunny. Sunny tries to collect himself. He can't die here, he at least has to know what SOMETHING truly was. Sunny presses the bow of the violin to the strings, he recalls Mari's smile and…

Sunny used ALLEGRO.

A massive gash appears across Jawsume's chest, causing the shark to wince in pain and stagger back. 

"So…" he chuckles, a hand over his wound, applying pressure to stop the bleeding. "You're really going to face it this time?"

Jawsume chuckles, "I don't think I'm going to make it, but don't feel bad kiddo. It was self defense so you did nothing wrong. The belly of the whale holds the truth you seek. Recall it, and leave my world be. I have faith that you will."

Jawsume falls to his knees, gasping out, "I'll… send your sister your regards… kiddo."

And he falls over, dead.

Sunny breaks open the glass case, he grabs the clam and shatters it in his palm.

He flashes back to Green Space, where he hears a lock break. Omori glares at him, "Gold Space is now open… you fucking idiot… wake up."

Sunny is confused as Omori demands, "Wake up!"

Omori begins to shake Sunny, demanding, "WAKE UP! WAKE UP!"

Sunny awakens to Aubrey gently shaking him, "Hey." Aubrey's smile soothes his heart after such a stressful dream, her continuing, "Morning sunshine. Come on, Hero made bacon and eggs."

Sunny tries to collect himself. SOMETHING is at the tip of this tongue, this long lost truth he seeks to recover. He thinks for a moment about everyone he thinks will be affected. Everyone he loves. His brothers Kel and Hero are safe, his girlfriend Aubrey is OK but he forgot someone in the dream. He forgot…

"Basil…" he speaks more clearly, his voice growing stronger with his resolve to protect those he loves. "Check… on Basil."

"We will," Aubrey assures, "The three of us need to talk at some point, but for now let's get you some breakfast."

Aubrey takes Sunny by the hand and leads him downstairs, reminding him, "You're still on suicide watch, so, don't leave my side."

Sunny nods in understanding. He doesn't protest given what's happened in the last few days. He is still worried about Basil. At the very least he can't die until he knows Basil is safe.

What happens after that…

Sunny's thoughts are interrupted when Aubrey kisses his cheek, his face becomes the same color as her hair as she chuckles, "Come on Sunny, you need to eat."

Sunny freezes up, so lost in thought he didn't recall reaching the kitchen table. He's overwhelmed by joy and embarrassment and stops dead.

"Sunny?" Kel asks.

Henry half worried, half joking, snaps his fingers in Sunny's face, "Little bro? Aubrey I think you broke him." Henry chuckles, indicating this to be a joke as he elaborates, "Poor Sunny's brain blue screened."

Sunny is overwhelmed by happiness but also flustered, he feels his face go red. He wants Aubrey to be happy and as he collects himself he realizes if that made him happy the inverse is true right?

Sunny kisses Aubrey on the cheek. She's happy but caught off guard, causing her to blush intensely. She pulls her white jacket over her face, embarrassed buy joyful, her heart racing as she chuckles, "You weren't supposed to kiss me back, you adorable rascal."

Sunny begins to eat, the bacon chewy and meat, and the eggs fried just right. Sunny, for the first time in a long time, enjoys eating. He has bought the fanciest foods, the most extravagant steaks but this… this is good food. It's not fancy but it's made with love and eaten with people he loves.

It's what money can't buy.

It's all he's ever wanted. 

After finishing the meal, Sunny growing seemingly more hungry as he eats as his metabolism basically turns back on after being dormant due to malnutrition and thus him eating the most, Henry declares, "We should go check on Basil. Tell him we're all OK and that my blood parents are in jail. Sunny?"

Sunny looks up, how mouth is stuffed with bacon and eggs, slurped down with such speed he consumes it like noodles.

"Remember to chew or you'll choke," Herny states calmly.

Sunny nods and slows down slightly. He carries with him the remainder of the bacon. Kel takes a strip as the duo walk under the Summer sun, commenting, "I'm glad you're eating more dude. You looked like a fucking twig when I first saw you."

Sunny comments with a smile that melts Aubrey's heart as she spots it in the corner of her eye, "Tastes better… with family."

"Yeah sure does!" Kel laughs swiping another strip of bacon, Sunny doesn't protest, happy to share and happy to see Kel happy. "Man I missed you. We all did. You've always been a brother to me, and nothing will change that. I will always love you as my brother."

Sunny disagrees, feeling SOMETHING will change that buy he enjoys the moment. Everyone is happy to see the ones they love happy, a simple moment under the Summer sun of joy and love, of family. For Sunny and Aubrey, between them, a romantic love warms their hearts as they hold hands, the warmth in their palms going right into their souls filling them with a calm bliss.

Life is good.

They arrive at Basil's house where his caretaker Ms. Polly greets them with a saddened tone, "Oh… hey guys."

"Hey is everything OK?" Henry inquires, sensing something is wrong.

"You all may have forgotten," Polly explains, "But technically I was hired to take care of Basil's grandmother, not Basil himself and… She passed last night. Basil isn't taking it well…"

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