Bad Ending Three: A Way Out

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Sunny is overwhelmed with pain and guilt as he recalls the image of Mari at the bottom of the stairs. He killed her, now he has money that can't buy her back. He took her away from all his friends, from his loves, from his family…

"Will you…" Sunny asks, "Live?"

Basil nods, "This is the only way to free you from SOMETHING, Sunny. Everyone is going to be OK."

Sunny thinks about what he's leaving behind. Kel, Aubrey, Henry, and Basil. Yet at the same time he took Mari away from them, he deserves this…

Everyone is going to be OK…


He's wrong 

Cause now he's taking himself away from everyone be loves too, his self hatred blinding him to how deeply they care for him.

Sunny nods in acceptance. Basil's hands shake as he places the shears to Sunny's throat. His heart pounds as SOMETHING swallows him. Tears stream his face, he begs, "There's really no other way out is there?"

Sunny grips the shears, "Tell them… I love them."

Basil is overwhelmed with regret.

Basil is AFRAID.

"No!" Basil begs, "We can find another way we can-"

Sunny grabs the shears and closes them around his throat. Blood oozes from his throat as he looks into Basil's eye, he sputters out, his last moment one of remorse as the weight of his mistake weighs on him, seeing the pain in Basil's eyes. He asks for forgiveness, his last words gargled by blood, "I'm… sorry…"

And he falls over, dead.

Basil never tells a soul what happened that night. Every single one of them fall into tears when they find the body, even Basil, who blames himself. Basil feels SOMETHING swallow him whole as the weight of his mistake consumes him whole. He…

Basil mentally detaches from reality. The tears stop as his mind snaps. He freezes in place. 

Kel cries, gasping out. His family was safe and happy. Everything was finally back to normal after all the pain and agony. The worst was behind them! Why… Why did his brother have to die? Was knocking that day a mistake? He doesn't know… "Brother… no…"

Henry cannot maintain composure and blames himself weeping. Mari died, as far as he knows, by suicide. He told her he would protect Sunny. He thought with his family he could move on, but as the eldest, he failed. He should have kept a closer eye on Sunny. Done something. Anything… "Mari… I failed.."

Aubrey clings to Basil demanding answers he can't give. Sunny was her and Basil's sunshine. He was so happy this morning. They were happy. He was being cute and even a little flirty. The kiss he gave her that morning had sent her heart a flutter, but now the memory is bitter.  "Why? Why did he leave us?..."

Basil became very detached after that day. Sunny's death impacted them all greatly.

Aubrey stuck by Basil's side, although they never married due to the fact that Basil was totally indifferent, borderline unresponsive. This left Aubrey severely depressed, refusing to leave Basil's side, she never found another love aside from Basil or Sunny.

Basil coasted from day to day, dead inside and under the care of Aubrey and his family. Polly, feeling somewhat responsible as the oldest in the household, and as far as she knew the last to speak to Sunny, did her best to help the family. She however could do little to help them, leaving her haunted by this guilt.

Kel did his best to carry on, but it was to much to bare. If not for his family Kel would have fallen into despair. He was often depressed although he hid it well.

Finally Henry… who broke his promise to his lost love. While he was able to save Kel he could nor save himself and dropped out of school. He would cook for the family and keep the house in order but found joy in very view things. Many a night he would find himself crying at Mari's piano, wondering why this had to be.

At the very least they had each other, while life was not without joy thanks to the others they still had, this family, they weren't happy, and the family never recovered.

Mari asked sunny after his death, "Why now?"

Sunny broke down crying, knowing what he did was wrong, "I'm… sorry."

Mari hugged Sunny to comfort him, "You messed up really bad but… you can apologize to them eventually."

Mari takes Sunny by the hand, guiding him towards the golden gates, "Come on… Let's go home."

And thus the truth died with Sunny...

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