Bad End Four: Oyasumi

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But he can't. He can't bare the weight of his mistake, and makes a larger mistake in response. He embraces Omori, falling to his denial and repression.

Sunny succumbs.

Omori wakes up in a hospital bed. His body his sore and he can't see out of his left eye. It's covered in gauze. There's a scent of flowers in the room but Omori pays it no mind. He makes a beeline for the top of the hospital. 

He looks over the railing, the air is cold as the water of the lake. The wind chill is like a knife slitting his throat. 

You are afraid of losing everyone…

You are afraid of being alone again...

It's a long way down…

Would you like to jump?

It's not as long of a fall as it looks. It feels long though as he reflects on everything. Everyone leaves, just as they did when Mari died, just as his blood parents did with the money. Just as they all will when they learn what he did.

He can't go back to being alone. He won't.

At least he can see Mari again after all this time and-

This thought is stopped by a brutal, lethal impact with the pavement.

Basil sees him pass by the window. At first he is in denial. He's hallucinating. He had to be! Sunny can't have just-

"You OK bro?" Kel asks, noticing the panic in Basil's eyes.

"The window…" Basil gasps out.

Henry looks out the window, he freezes. He doesn't know what to say. Sunny is dead, his corpse a pile of mush on the pavement just recognizable enough to know it is indeed his dear little brother.

"You good Henry?" Aubrey inquires walking over to the window. 

Henry gently nudges her away, stating as he loses his composure, "Don't look."

"Henry what-" Aubrey begins to inquire as Henry snaps back.

"DON'T LOOK!" He demands, blocking her way.

"What are you hiding?" Aubrey demands, interpreting this as a slight at her as a person, as being seen as weak or pity from Henry, not knowing that Henry is just trying to protect her and everyone else.

And she looks. 

Aubrey vomits at the sight. Tears stream down her face.

Kel rushes to comfort her, "Sis what's wrong?"

And she speaks those cursed words, her voice shaking as she does, "Sunny jumped…"

Now this fate is at least marginally better than the last, as while suicide is always the worst option Sunny tried. That does not count for nothing. Trying and failing is always better than not trying at all, as will soon be seen.

The family did manage to stick together. 

Basil and Aubrey spent the rest of their lives together, eventually marrying. While their marriage was a happy one in some capacity, many a night each would awaken to nightmares. Aubrey would dream of Sunny's corpse blaming her, rising and limping into her home to kill her and her family as revenge. Basil would have nightmares of SOMETHING, of Mari doing much the same, hanging him by his neck as revenge.

While they had each other for comfort they never told the other the full extent of these terrors which haunted them for the rest of their days. Many a restless night they spent wondering, haunted and blaming themselves for Sunny's demise, wondering where they went wrong and discussing to try to find where their error lies; when it wasn't their fault in the first place.

Kel was… OK. He developed some level of abandonment issues, first his blood parents, then Sunny. He had trouble reaching out, while he had many buddies, the step between friend and acquaintance, and many liked him, but due to fear he never grew close to anyone outside his family. He was a decent local basketball player but never amounted to much more. He would often fall into bouts of intense depression wondering why he couldn't save his dear brother, but never considered the truth that it wasn't his fault at all. 

Henry… Henry got by, one could suppose. He was the most depressed, feeling he has failed Mari. Every Sunday he would go to church and pray for forgiveness he didn't even need for he was not at fault. Every Sunday after service he would visit the graves of his dead love and his dear little brother whom he truly loved just as much as Kel, and he would cry. He never did much with his life, him and Polly managed the money, kept their loved ones provided for. 

Polly herself never recovered from Sunny's death. She was the last one to speak to Sunny. She wonder why she didn't see the red flags. Where did she go wrong!?! It wasn't her fault and she didn't see it. Her and Henry found some solace in each other, her providing the flowers for Henry to place on the graves of the deceased, but neither ever opened up to the other. She at least was able to live for Basil, but she was never truly happy.

All and all, there were moments of happiness, but the family never truly recovered from Sunny's death.

And thus the truth died with Sunny...

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