Greedy Parents

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Hero is FURIOUS. "You got some FUCKING NERVE." He growls with death in his eyes.

"Hero you will gain a sum of 2.5 million dollars if I overheard correctly," Hero's mother explains, "We can all live happily with-"

"You can all suck my ass!" Hero growls, "This is not only illegal, but-"

"You really think if Sunny dies it can be traced back to us?" His mother demands, "What, you think we can do without? Kel isn't going to get a scholarship; he's not the sharpest tool in the shed."

"You just want money!" Hero yells.

"So what if I do?" His mother demands.

"I'm taking Sunny and Kel," Hero growls, "You two can go FUCK yourselves!"

"Hero we could be rich," his dad pleads, "And we raised you. You owe us as your flesh and blood, your family-"

"Family is love not blood," Hero growls, "And after what you've said, I have no parents. Goodbye."

Hero starts to get up only to be stopped by the click of a gun.

"Sit down," His father demands, "Son."

Hero is AFRAID.

"I hate you," he growls. "Me being a doctor was it all money to you?"

"We live in a money driven world," his mother replies. 

"You live in your greed fueled brain dead minds," Hero growls, "You're filth that only cared about worthless fucking paper!'

There's a knock on the door. Hero hears Aubrey call, "Is now a good time?"

He sweats nervously as the gun's hammer clicks into place. 

"You're supposed to be at the baseball game," Hero replies, speaking in code, "Go get your bat."

"Hero there isn't a-" Aubrey replies confused. 

Hero speaks in a time harsher than normal, growling, "THE. GAME. GET. YOUR. BAT."

He prays Aubrey will catch the hint as she replies, "OK… I guess…"

Aubrey leaves.

"Remember Hero," Hero's dad states as he aims the gun at Hero's head, "If you die, your estate defaults to us."

"Burn in Hell you old Fuck," Hero growls, "They'll investigate?"

"Like Mari?" Hero's mom chuckles, "Son… they never even performed an autopsy. We say you broke from Sunny's death, use the year you disappeared as proof of past depression, bullet to the brain seems logical."

His dad grips the trigger, Hero tenses, expecting to finally see Mari again but…

A basketball knocks the gun out of his father's hand.


Sunny is FURIOUS.

"You should learn to keep your voice down," Kel growls, "Hero, call the police."

"You little bastard!" Hero's dad screams, taking out a brass knuckle.

Suddenly the door is kicked in, Aubrey entering.

Aubrey is FURIOUS, seeing as Kel's dad throws a punch the child narrowly avoids. She recalls her own mother, and how Sunny protected her.

Now she can protect Kel.

"STAY AWAY FROM MY BROTHERS!" Aubrey screams charging forward.

Hero's parents are GREEDY.

Sunny's rage is overwhelmed by fear.

Sunny is AFRAID.

But his family is in danger.

He just has to PERSEVERE.

Sunny collects his will, and calms down.

Aubrey acts first, hitting… no… not a bad person, a wicked woman, in the stomach with a bat. She coughs up blood and staggers back. Kel follows up, quickly dribbling his ball before slamming down on the selfish old bastard, leaving him open for Hero to drop kick him on the old wooden coffee table, shattering it. Hero however, takes a heavy blow to the chest, which to him, Is evidence of the crime at the very least 

Hero quickly grabs Sunny and Kel, screaming. 

"RUN!" He cries out, "Aubrey! Run!"

The four dash into the setting sunlight of the evening, reaching Sunny's home where Hero locks the door, before looking over everyone for wounds. 

"OK… We're OK…" he gasps out, still shaking, "Sunny… it's OK…"

Sunny shakes his head.

It's always money!


"I'm going to the police," Hero explains, "Did Basil go home?"

Aubrey nods.

"Keep Sunny safe," Hero demands, "Keep each other safe. I'll be back soon. Don't answer for anyone."

Hero leaves, and Kel…


He lets out an ungodly scream of agony and fear.

"Kel!" Aubrey demands rushing to comfort him, "Kel its OK…"

Aubrey hugs him, but in a sibling way rather than a romantic way. Kel stammers out, "My own family… was going to kill me…"

"No," Aubrey assures him, "We're your family, not them. OK? I love you as my brother Kel, I always will. Please…"

Aubrey hugs him tightly, "Everything is going to be OK…"

SOMETHING looms at the top of the stairs as that phrase sends Sunny into a tailspin. He needs to think he needs…

Maybe some fresh air but they're distracted…

And that knife…

It's in his mom's room…

It's always about money…

Is it worth continuing?...

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