Chapter 6

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*Audri's pov*

My face was burning from all the blushing I was doing right now. I can't believe he kissed me again! I mean I'm not complaining his kisses are amazing. I rest my head on my hand and begin doodling in my notebook.

"What are you drawing?" Ivan whispers in my ear since he was currently behind me.

"N-nothing." I mumble.

"Party tonight. You should come." He whispers.

"I have to ask." I whisper.

"Text your mom then." he whispers.

I nod and start typing away on my phone. I wait for my mom to respond. Mom finally responds.

"She's fine with it. What time and where?" I ask.

"Don't worry about it. Just dress sexy and I'll pick U up at 8:00." he says and winks.

I blush lightly and nod.

Class finally ends. I grab my bookbag.

"See you in third period sweetheart." Ivan says and winks.

"See ya then." I tell him and leave the classroom.

I stop at my locker and grab a few things.

I start walking to my next class until this hard figure bumps into my shoulder.

"Oww." I mumble and look up to be met with hazel eyes of a really good looking guy.

"Shit I'm so sorry. My fault." He apologizes.

"It's okay." I say and look at him for a moment and shyly look away.

"I'm Logan, what's your name?" He asks.

"Audri." I say and shyly smile at him.

"That's a beautiful name for a beautiful girl." Logan says and winks.

I blush and say "thank you."

"You're welcome. I'll see you around Audri." He says and smiles.

I smile and head to my class.

I see Kel already saving me a seat.

"Dude the hottest guy just bumped into me, I think I almost passed out." I tell her as soon as I sit down.

"Details!" Kel says.

"His name is Logan, he's got hazel eyes. He's such a flirt and really cute." I tell her.

"I have to see this Logan kid but anyway let's hang out tonight, have a girls night." She says.

"Shit I cant. I'm going to a party with Ivan tonight. You should come." I tell her.

"It's fine. Let's go to chick-fil-a for lunch." She says.

"I told Ivan I'd go out for lunch with him and his friends." I tell her.

"Okay. Cool." She says, clearly pissed off but she didn't want to show it.

"Look I'm sorry. Let's hang out tomorow, just me and you." I offer.

"Fine." Kel says.

I smile but feel guilty.


Lunch time I go to the student parking lot and wait for Ivan. He comes with a couple of his friends and a few girls. We pile up into Ivan's car and his friends and we drive off to Applebee's. We get a table for eight, we sit and talk I was mostly quiet because I'm not good with big groups. Eventually we leave and go back to school.


I had finally decided on what to wear for the party and I was waiting for Ivan to come pick me up.

At 8:00 Ivan texts me letting me know he's here. I go downstairs and tell my mom good bye.

I head out to Ivan's car, I see him leaning against his car as he stares at me causing my face to heat up. I look down shyly and walk over to him.

He holds out his arms and pulls me into a comfortable warming hug. I cuddle to him, taking in his fresh scent.

"You look great." He whispers in my ear.

"Thank you." I whisper and smile.

He lifts up my chin with his index finger and kisses me softly. I return the kiss and slowly pull away.

"We should get going sweetheart." He whispers. I nod and pull away from the hug. We both get inside the car and drive off.

Ivan and I pull up to the party, music was blasting people were dancing in and out of the house. I look at Ivan nervously.

"It's okay. It'll be fun." He assures me.

I nod and we go inside to the party. Ivan wraps his arm around my shoulder and his friends come up to us. Ivan and his friends clap up as I get stares and winks. I blush and look around shyly.

"Drinks are set up help yourself to whatever you'd like. Have fun." His friend Carter tells us.

"Thanks man. Let's go get a drink sweetheart." Ivan says.

I nod. Ivan gets a beer and I get a can of soda.

After some hours of partying. I started looking for Ivan because he told me he was going to the bathroom and he was taking too long.

I find him in the kitchen making out with two girls.

"Ivan... can I please have your car keys. I'll drop your car off tomorrow." I say.

"No fuck off. You're interrupting my makeout sessions." He mumbles.

I look at him abit shocked.

"Please.. I wanna go home." I say.

"Oh that's cool. You can show yourself out." He mumbles.

I sigh and start to tear up. I don't understand why he's being so rude.

"Ivan please... can I have your keys." I beg and sniffle.

"Man hop off my dick. You're so damn clingly." He mumbles and goes back to making out with those girls.

"Sorry..." I whisper and leave the kitchen. I go outside and sit on the porch and cry.

I feel someone's presence beside me. I sniffle and glance at the person sitting beside me. I see those familiar hazel eyes that I met earlier. I wipe my eyes.

"Now why is a beautiful girl like you crying? you should be having fun shorty. What's the matter?" Logan says to me.

"Well let's see the person that brought me to this party is drunk and wont drive me home or give me his car keys and is being a total jerk." I say and sigh and gaze up at the stars.

Logan cups my cheek and wipes my tear with his thumb and says " don't waste your tears shorty its Friday cheer up."

I shrug and say "I just wanna go home."

"I'll drive you. I'm still sober and the party is getting lame anyway." Logan says.

"Are you sure it's not too much trouble?" I ask and look at him.

"Yeah, I don't mind. We should get going." He says and stands up and helps me up.

"Thank you so much." I tell him and we head to his car. Which was a dark grey Chevy corvette.

Logan drove me home. We had a convo and got to know each other abit.

Finally he pulls up to my house.

"Thanks again." I tell him and look at him.

"It's no problem shorty. I'll see you around okay." He says.

I smile and nod and open the car door.

"Wait what's your number? so I can ya know call and text you. He says.

I blush and smile and give him my number.

"Goodnight" I say and get out of the car and go inside.

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