Chapter 15

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*Audris pov*

Finally school ended. I decided to go to my locker to grab a few things before I left.

Ivan: hey baby, school's over isn't it. I'm coming over so we can hang out okay. :*

I smile at the text and respond back to him.

Me: okay. I'll see you soon then. :*

I smile and unlock my locker and begin getting my things out. Kel comes up to me excitedly.

"Hey girly! Let's hang out today. I have nothing to do and I miss you!" She says and smiles.

"Hey... I'm sorry I can't hang out today. I have way too much homework to do tonight. I'm sorry. How about tomorrow?" I suggest and begin to feel bad.

I hated lying to my best friend but I had to just for right now. I'm planning on telling her soon. Real soon.

"Oh.. Okay. I'll text you later I guess." Kel says, clearly upset.

"I'm sorry ok." I tell her and hug her.

She nods and returns the hug and says, " I gotta go. Don't wanna hold you up,"

And with that Kel walks off, leaving me with guilt. I sigh softly and grab my things and shut my locker and leave the building. I go to my car and drive home. I see Ivan's car already on my driveway. I smile and park my car and walk over to his car and knock on his window.
Ivan smiles at me and steps out of his car and pulls me into a hug, I snuggle into his warm, comforting, buff chest, he buries his face into my hair.

"Hey babygirl," He murmurs into my ear.

I smile and whisper, "hey I missed you,"

"I missed you too beautiful," He whispers.

He pulls away slightly and plants his soft lips against mine which shoots sparks throughout my body.  He nibbles on my bottom lip gently and pulls away slowly which makes me want his lips even more. I look up in his eyes then glance at his lips, I lean in and connect our lips once more. Ivan holds my hips as he leans against his car. I feel him graze his tongue against my bottom lip, asking for access to my mouth, I open my mouth slightly, allowing him access.
Our tongues begin fighting for dominance and dancing against each other. Gosh this felt so right. 

I felt a whole lot of butterflies flying around in my stomach. No boy has ever had this much of an effect on me like Ivan does.

Ivan pulls away and kisses my cheek softly.

"Let's head inside princess," He murmurs and takes my hand.

I blush and nod and follow him into my house.

Ivan and I watch movies in my room for a while, we cuddle, make out a couple of times.... Okay who am I kidding it was way more than a couple of times. 

"Ivan I wanna talk to you about our relationship," I tell him.

Ivan looks at me abit worried.

"Hey it's nothing bad but I wanna tell my mom about us ya know. I don't wanna sneak around she likes you anyway," I tell him

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