Chapter 18

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*Audri's pov*

I had just met Ivan's family...again but this time as his girlfriend. They are real nice people, his sister Zoe, loved me she constantly wanted me to hang out with her, which I didn't mind she's adorable.

Ivan holds my hand and guides me up to his room, I blush and follow him. He has a huge house and it was beautiful. We walk down a long hallway till Ivan opens one of the doors which I'm assuming is Ivan's bedroom. I look around mesmerized, it's actually neater than I thought. There was a huge king sized bed in the middle of the room which was covered in a blue, white and gray comforter. There was a pile of pillows leaning against the headboard of the large bed. On the side of the bed stood two night stands that matched the bed. Right above the bed was a painting that matched the theme of the room which made it stand out. I walk further into the room eyeing every detail. There was a large glass door. Beside the glass door were two cushioned chairs with pillows resting among them. There was a large beautiful chandelier hanging from the ceiling. I walk to the glass door and I look out the glass door which displayed a beautiful view of the pool out back and their beautiful backyard.

"Your room is amazing Ivan, I like it," I say.

He smiles and says, "thank you princess."

I nod and smile and look at the painting again.

"My mom painted that for me when we moved here. She said it went well with the room." Ivan explains.

"It looks great, I didn't know your mom does art." I say turning to him.

"Yeah she does. She's really talented, I could ask her to paint you something for your room." Ivan offers.

"Really?" I ask and smile brightly.

"Yes, anything for you." Ivan says returning the smile.

Ivan takes my hand and gently pulls me close to him. He cups my cheek as he looks in my eyes with his gorgeous ones. I smile up at him and read the emotions from his eyes. Ivan smiles and connects our lips. This wasn't one of our hungry heated kisses. It was soft, slow and passionate. It shot jolts of sparks through out my body and I was enjoying every single second of this kiss. Ivan pulls away making me instantly miss his soft, pink lips. I look in his eyes, slightly pouting.

"Don't do that to me. It drives me crazy," He whispers huskily as he traces his thumb across my bottom lip.

"S-sorry," I stutter, loving his touch.

Ivan closes the gap between our lips once again. I instantly wrap my arms around his neck as he holds my hips. I feel him gently nibble on my lip as he asks for permission to enter my mouth. I deny at first to tease him, I feel his grip tighten around my waist as he grazes his tongue across my lips again, asking for permission once again. I finally give in he was hard to resist. I feel his lips curl up into a slight smirk as our tongues begin dancing together. I feel his hands move to my a$$ as he lightly grips my a$$, I sigh softly in pleasure against his soft lips.  Ivan pulls away slowly and begins kissing my jaw. He trails kisses along my neck softly. I tilt my head giving him more room.  Gosh this felt so right and so good.

I suppress a moan from escaping my lips when Ivan finds my soft spot. I sigh in pleasure and mumble his name. Ivan begins nibbling on my soft spot, sending chills of pleasure through my spin. I couldn't help but moan softly. I blush enjoying every minute of this.

Ivan chuckles huskily and mumbles, "it's okay my room is soundproof and I told them we want alone time."

I bite my lip and nod still slightly embarrassed. Ivan chuckles and kisses me to relax me. I feel him pick me up, wrapping my legs around his waist. He grips my a$$ to make it easy to hold me. He hungrily kisses me, like he hasn't seen me in years and has been dying to kiss me. I feel him walk us to his bed and he gently lays me down, still kissing me as he hovers above me. I begin unbuttoning his shirt, never breaking the kiss between us. Ivan begin grinding his hard member against me making me moan softly.

"Ivan... I w-want you," I mumble against his lips. I pull his shirt off rubbing his toned chest.

Ivan pulls away from the kiss slowly and looks in my eyes.

"Baby are you sure? We don't have to if you're not ready," Ivan explains as he looks in my eyes.

"I'm ready I promise. But what about your family, that would be kind of uncomfortable if they're home." I explain and blush.

Ivan chuckles and says, "You're so cute princess."

"What's so funny, Ivan I'm serious." I say.

"I know baby, my parents are working overnight and my siblings are going over their friends house for the night, meaning the house is all mine for the night." Ivan explains, pushing a strand of hair behind my ear.

I nod and blush and whisper, "but my mom. I don't think she'd let me spend the night."

"Oh no don't worry I talked to her while you were getting ready. She's fine with you staying the night." Ivan explains.

"But how?" I ask.

"Oh don't worry. I can be very... convincing." Ivan whispers, his hot breath fanning my lips as he caresses my cheek.

I lean up slightly and entwine our lips together, I cup both his cheeks never wanting to pull away. Neither of us pulled away for a while almost as if we were testing to see who would pull away first. Ivan finally pulls away first but teases me by biting my lip.

"I have to make sure the door is locked before we take this any further," He whispers huskily and gives me one last peck before getting up.

I bite my lip and watch him. I was beyond nervous seeing as how it's my first time. I've heard stories where it hurts for some people and for some people not so much. What if I bleed too much and he doesn't want to do it anymore. Oh my gosh this is nerve wrecking. Ivan comes back to me and smiles softly.

"Hey you okay?" He asks kissing my cheek softly.

"Y-yeah. Do you have a condom? I'm on the pill but its just to be safe.." I whisper and blush.

Ivan chuckles and says, "Hey relax you don't have to be nervous okay. You can tell me to stop when I'm hurting you or if you don't like it okay."

I nod and smile at him reassuringly. Ivan begins to strip me and we begin foreplay to relax me and get us back in the mood.

I watch him put on a condom. I bite my lip and blush deeply. He's huge, that's gonna hurt...

Ivan looks at me with pure lust dancing around in his eyes, he flashes his cultivating smile at me as he positions himself at my entrance.

"Are you sure about this?" He asks for the millionth time.

I nod and whisper, "I'm sure Ivan."


I blush and roll over and pant. I cuddle with Ivan as he pulls the blanket up to cover us. He holds me close to him as he rubs my back. He kisses my head and smiles at me.

"You were great." He whispers.

"So were you." I whisper and look up at him.

He plants a soft kiss on my lips and continues rubbing my back.

"Goodnight princess," He murmurs.

"Night Ivan." I mumble as I feel my eyes getting heavy.

And with that we were both out like a light...

*Author's note: Wow! 1K guys!! That's awesome. Thank you for reading and supporting my work! The book is coming to an end though. Thanks again for reading! Goodbye loves ;)*

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