Chapter 7

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*Audri's pov*

I got home to a dark quiet house. I assumed mom was already asleep. I quietly creep up to my room. I get to my room and collapse onto my bed. I was exhausted, angry, hurt and all types of emotions.

I think about the party and sigh. What was up with Ivan tonight... I wonder what crawled up his ass... I knew going to that stupid party was a bad idea..

One minute he's nice and such a sweetheart and soon turns into the biggest jackass ever. I sigh and shake the thoughts out of my head. As much as I was exhausted I just had to shower I felt so gross and disgusting, I couldn't go to bed knowing I just came from a place where everyone was sweating and rubbing up against each other. Just the thought of that disgusted the crap out of me. Yeah I'm an athlete, I play soccer and run track. Yes, I should be used to nasty stuff like this but still, I had a girly side of me.

I strip out of my dress and do a little shimmey dance to shake it off me. It drops to the ground and I head to my bathroom. I run the hot water and steam quickly fills up the bathroom. I add some cold water to make sure its the right temperature for me.

I step into my tub and let the water make contact my skin which felt like heaven. I grab my sponge and squeeze some soap onto it and begin to wash myself as I sing to myself softly.

After about 15 minutes I finally stepped out of my tub and went to my sink and began brushing my teeth. By the time I was done I felt and smelled fresh as ever.

I grab a pair of shorts and a tank top and dress myself into them. I was feeling more awake now. I layed down on my bed and checked the time to see it was only 1:00 am. I knew Kel was up right now she doesn't sleep until the sun is rising. So I decided to text her.

Me: facetime?

Kel: What is your little date over?...

Me: Look I'm sorry okay. Call me and I'll explain.

Kel: fine.

Before I could even start typing to respond back to her my phone began to ring. I answered within the first ring.

"Okay before you say anything I know you're pissed off at me and I'm sorry I really am. I know you can't stay mad at me forever because you love me and you can't hold a grudge for your life." I plead with her.

Soon Kel's angry face turns into a laughing face "Fuck you. You're lucky we're best friends."

I laugh and say "love ya too. I know you can't be mad at me."

"Shush. Now how did the party go tell me everything." She demands and smiles.

"The party was alright, people were drunk and disgusting. Ivan was actually an ass, I just got home an hour ago." I explain to her.

"What did he do? I mean I hate to be the "I told you so" type of people but he's bad news" She says in concern.

"Well I got bored with the party we all know I'm not a partying type, so I went searching for him because he told me he was going to the bathroom. So I finally found him hooking up with some chicks, so asked him if he could take me home or atleast let me take the car and I'd take it back to him tomorrow but he kept saying "fuck off" and being really rude." I explain and fake a smile.

"Wait so how'd you get home then?" Kel asks confused.

"Well you remember that Logan guy I told you about today. Ironically he was at the party and turned out to be my knight in shining armor tonight." I tell her and smile.

"Oh my goshhh. Dude! did you get his number and did he make a move on you?" She asks.

"Well he did ask for my number and he did not make a move.. seems like a gentle man." I say and smile.

"Dudeeee I'm so jealous right now." She says and laughs.

I laugh and say "Shut up it's probably not even going to get anywhere with either of them so chill out."

"Oh please, you don't know that." Kel says.

I laugh and flip her off and say "I'm tired shithead, I'm going to sleep. We're hanging out tomorrow okay? I didn't forget"

" Okay sounds great. I'll bring movies over." Kel tells me.

"Okay see ya then. Bye bitch I love youu." I tell her as I stretch out the 'you'

"Love you too asswipe." Kel says and laughs.

I laugh and end our facetime call.

I lay down and pull my covers over me as my head sinks into my fluffy comfortable pillow. I eventually drift off to sleep.


I wake up from the loud bang of thunder. I hear the rain hitting my roof as if it was the end of the world. I check the time to see its 10:40 am. I sit up since there was no use of falling back asleep. Once my eyes were open they won't close again for a while. I smell bacon, pancakes and eggs cooking. I immidietly grab my sweat pants and throw it over my shorts and rush downstairs to the kitchen.

"Oh hey honey, your breakfast is ready." She tells me.

I run around the table and hug her.

"Thanks mommy. Love you." I say and kiss her cheek.

She laughs softly and says "love ya too sweetie. Now eat up."

I sit at the island across from my mom and begin to devour my breakfast with her.

"So what are you doing today. Weather is bad. Not much you can do but stay indoors." Mom says as she sips her coffee.

"Yeah true. Kel and I are just going to watch movies and eat junk food all day." I tell her.

Mom laughs and shakes her head and says "you girls and your junk food. Speaking of which how has she been, I haven't seen my other daughter in a while."

I laugh and say "you guys can catch up when she gets here."

" Oh yeah, I've been meaning to tell you, tonight we're going to the Grainger's for dinner. Mrs.Grainger invited us she wants to get to know us. How ironic is it that Mrs. Grainger and I work together. She's such a nice lady." Mom tells me.

My jaw drops. I had to go face that asshole tonight.. no this wasn't happening. I wanted a relaxing day to myself without having anything to do with him before actually dealing with him. Great just great..

"What's wrong honey. You look like a deer caught in headlights and finish chewing your food please. I taught you better than that Audrianna." Mom half lectures me, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Right..sorry mom I got lost in my thoughts thats all.. what time do we have to be there?" I tell her and clear my throat.

"6:00. Sorry if that cut your plans so short. Kel can spend the night when we come back if she would like." Mom tells me.

I nod and say "okay thanks mom. Love you."

She smiles and says "Love you too sweetie. Now finish eating I'm gonna go shower."

Mom kisses my cheek and places her coffee mug in the sink and dissapears out of the kitchen.

Author's note: Hey guys thanks for reading! Sorry I'm slacking off I'm a huge procrastinator. :P but anyway keep reading. I have more to come. It was just too much to fit in one chapter hopefully I won't slack off and update in the next few days. Fingers crossed! thanks again :*

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