Chapter 10

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Audri's pov*

I look up and make eye contact with his ocean blue eyes, that stupid smirk glued to his stupid annoying face. He plants himself beside me, where I could've sworn my bestfriend was sitting.

I look at him in shock, annoyance and curiosity all mixed in one.

"What's the matter sweetheart, you look like you've seen a ghost." He says.

"Ivan, what the hell are you doing here?" I hiss.

"A couple of my buddies brought me here. Are you gonna introduce me to your little boyfriend?" Ivan says and sips his sprite.

"Uh Logan this is Ivan, Ivan this is Logan." I introduce.

"Pleasure." Logan says and holds his hand out for Ivan to shake, except Ivan looks at his hand and doesn't shake it.

I sigh and stare into the flames of the Bonfire.

"So how'd you guys meet?" Ivan asks.

"Oh at this party. Some asshole brought her to the party and got wasted and wouldn't drive her home. Who does that." Logan explains.

I notice a vein in Ivan's neck pop out alittle as he grits his teeth slightly as he somewhat glares at Logan. Logan doesn't notice the little gestures.

"Oh really? That asshole probably didn't know what he was doing. Alcohol does mess with people's head." Ivan points out. I don't miss the tone in his voice.

I fiddle with my fingers as I watch the both of them and listen to their conversation.

"Yeah that's true but who gets drunk if they bring a girl to a party. That's such a douche move." Logan says and shakes his head as he gazes into the flames infront of us.

Ivan balls up his fist.

"So you guys having fun?" I say, trying to change the subject.

"Yeah." Logan says and flashes his pearly whites at me.

"I was, not anymore." Ivan mutters.

"Let's go get a drink sweetheart." Logan says and gets up as he holds his hand out to me.

I nod and take his hand and he pulls me up gently.

"We'll see Ya later man." Logan says.

"Yeah." Ivan mutters.

I follow Logan to get drinks.

"I didn't think you'd be the type to hang with him." Logan states.

"He's those type of cocky people who are full of themselves, you're not like that." Logan continues.

"He's not cocky or full of himself." I defend. I don't know why but I felt the need to defend that same jerk that got drunk at the party.

Logan looks at me abit shocked.

"Oh im sorry. I didn't mean to make you mad or anything." Logan says.

Logan tucks a lock of my hair behind my ear and caresses my cheek. I blush and gaze up into his gorgeous eyes.

"You look really really beautiful." he says.

I blush and say "thank you."

I look away shyly and fiddle with my hands. Logan chuckles and places a soft kiss on my cheek. I smile and look at him. He cups my face and leans in. I close my eyes and get ready for our lips to make contact. Logan closes the space between us by connecting our lips, I feel my cheeks start to heat up as I return the kiss in the same passion. 

We pull away after a couple seconds or minutes, I don't even know, either way that kiss that kiss felt like eternity. Logan smiles at me.

"Now let's get some drinks sweetheart." Logan whispers huskily in my ear and kisses my cheek. 

I get some chills and nod and whisper "o-okay." 

We grab cans of sprites from the cooler. I feel a tap on my shoulder, I spin around and see Ivan as Logan walks away to talk to his friends. 

"Yes Ivan?" I say abit annoyed with him invading my moments with Logan.

"Nothing just wanted to hang out with you for alittle, what's wrong? seem alittle annoyed." He asks with a smirk on his face.

I shake my head and say " nothing."

"So this is your boytoy Logan huh?" Ivan says with a hint of disgust in his voice.

"Ivan, he's not a boytoy. I don't understand what you have against him?" I ask and cross my arms.

"Oh I don't have anything against him. I just know what type of guy he is, don't say I didn't warn you sweetheart." Ivan says and winks and with that he walks away to his group of friends.

I watch him abit confused. I was feeling all types of frustration, annoyance and curiousity towards Ivan. I groan mentally and spot my best friend walking towards me.

"Taking a break from your little make out session." I tease and wiggle my eyebrows at her.

Her cheeks flush red and she laughs and shoves my arm.

"Shut up." She mutters.

I laugh and shake my head.

"Speaking of which, where's your little date? hmm?"  Kel teases.

I laugh and slap her arm playfully and say "with his friends. We're actually not sucking each others faces off like you guys."

Her cheeks flush more causing me to burst out laughing. 

"Never seen you like this. You barely ever blush over a guy Kel you really like him huh?" I say.

She shrugs and says " I don't know, I just met the guy."

I nod and say  "yeah I understand."

"So what's going on in your life?" Kel asks taking a sip of my sprite.

"Well um, Ivan keeps interfeering on my so called date with Logan, They have so much tension you can seriously see it floating in the air." I sarcastically say.

"Why what did he do?" She asks, giving me her undivided attention.

I begin telling my best friend about Logan and Ivan and their tension, making sure to put every detail possible. My best friend pulls me into a warm bear hug and rubs my back.

"It'll be okay." She assures me. 

I smile and say "thanks."

"No problem now come on let's go have fun." She says and tugs my hand.

Mason comes up to us, he smiles at Kel causing her to blush lightly. I laugh and elbow her teasingly. She laughs.

"Audri, Isn't Logan your date?" Mason asks.

"Yeah why?" I ask.

"Umm, he's over there making out with some chick." Mason says and nods toward the direction of Logan.

I turn to that direction and see Logan's arms wrapped around a girls waist. She looked so familiar.

I felt a little sting in my chest and feel tears well up on my eyes.

Out of all girls it had to be her?....

Shout out to one my closest friends for helping me with this chapyer @canonpie21

Thanks! Much love :*

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