Chapter 1

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*Audri's POV*

 "Audri come and present your power point please" Mr. Jason insisted.

I sigh and get up and make my way to the front of the class. Everyone's eyes were fixated on me. Gosh I hate attention and I hate Mr. Jason for making me do this. It's so much pressure with everyone staring into your soul just waiting for you to make a mistake so you can be the next talk of the school. After 5 minutes of presenting my project I finally finish. 

"Alright Ms. Shay, you did a great job. You may take a seat." Mr. Jason says.

"Ha nerd" Brittney calls out. Brittney was the cliche mean girl of the school she picked on people without reason, especially me. Ever since we were 10 years young, she hated my guts and to this day I still don't understand why she hates me so much.

"Midnight is a nerd" Jessica adds on.

"Ew what guy would want to date that thing." Trevor adds on.

"Alright that's enough." Mr. Jason tries to tell them.

By now the whole class is going wild with laughter. I run out of the room to the nearest bathroom, which was hard to find with the cloud of tears in my eyes. Ever since I was 11 I've been made fun of about my skin, my body structure & how I apparently try to be white and ridiculous things teens discriminate each other about. Worst part is I'm sensitive, I take things to heart which just makes the bullying affect me more. I used to self harm but I swore to my grandma that I would quit before she died from cancer. That lady was like my other half, I was devastated over losing her for about a month and a half. 

I look at my reflection in the mirror which just makes me break down into tears. I don't understand what I did wrong. All their words replay in my head. After 5-10 minutes of crying. I freshen myself up i wash my face and put a little bit of makeup on. I sigh and leave the bathroom, dreading to go back into that hellhole. I go back to class. I silently sit down and put my head down and try not to have another breakdown.

"It's back" Brittney says.

"That thing actually has feelings? wow" Jessica adds on.

"Alright that's enough. How heartless could you be? Jeez grow up" Ivan says.

I glance over to Brittney and Jessica who looked like deers caught in headlights. 

"But baby." Brittney starts.

"No don't 'baby' me we dated two years ago and you're immature as fuck" Ivan says.

I still couldn't believe Ivan stood up for me. The hot popular quarterback of the school stood up for me, this must be some sort of sick dream. The bell rings, I grab my bag and scurry out of that class as fast as I can. I rush to my locker and grab my lunch. I start heading to My best friend, Kel's locker. Her name was actually Kelly but we called her Kel for short. As I'm heading to her locker I bump into this hard buff chest.

"Ow I'm sorry" I apologize. I look up and my brown eyes meet with his ocean blue eyes which belonged to the one and only Ivan Grainger. A smirk plays on his face which easily shows off his dimple. His dark brown spiked hair just made him look more attractive. He looks at me with amusment and wonder.

"I-I'm so s-sorry" I stutter and look at him with apologetic eyes. 

"Hey um thanks for what you did today." I say as I play with my necklace out of habit. It's a thing I do whenever I'm nervous or scared.

"Ha dude are you really talking to midnight?" Trevor says and bursts out into laughter.

"Dude shut up don't you have anything better to do?" Ivan says while raising an eyebrow at him.

I sigh and say "I guess I should let you go, wouldn't wanna be seen with me."

"Listen you should stop letting people get to you. You're just giving them more power sweetheart." Ivan said. I looked at him somewhat shocked. 

"Why are you being so nice to me Ivan? Are you trying to hook up with me like you do with every other girl in the school?" I burst out. He look at me shocked angry and furious.

"Wow sorry for trying to help you bitch. Guess I shouldn't have bothered." Ivan growls and clenches his jaws and storms off. 

I sigh and start to tear up and head to Kel's locker.

"Aw babygirl what's wrong," She says as soon as I appear next to her. 

"I hate my life. I hate this school. I hate everone here. I just want to die. I can never get a break Kel, it's always something every frickin' day." I cry out to her. Kel wraps her arms around me tightly. By now I have a stream of tears flowing down my cheeks.

"Come on let's go get you cleaned up" She says.

I nod and follow her lead to the bathroom. This is basically how my school year goes with me crying my eyes out or being in a shitty mood. Kel was the only good friend I had in this school along with our friend Mike & Kayla. Our circle of friends wasn't big which was fine with the four of us.

Kel and I finish and head to the cafeteria.

"Speak of the devil." Brittney says with an evil smirk plastered on her face. I had a bad feeling something was about to happen...

*Author's Note*

   Hey guys first story. Sorry If the chapter was short and boring. Still developing the story line and characters. Comment andd tell me what you think so far! 

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