Chapter 4

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Audri's pov

"Look I'm sorry. It was a harmless joke and wasn't intended to hurt you." Ivan says defensively.

"Okay." I say as I scroll through my instagram feed, hoping he will get up and leave.

Ivan grabs my phone out of my grasp and looks into my eyes.

"Hey I was using that. Can I please have it back?" I say as calmly as possible.

"Hear me out first then you get it back." He explains.

"Why does it even matter if I'm mad at you or not, it's not like I'm that important to you anyway. It was just a stupid joke I'm over it, so can I please have my phone back. I'm supposed to be having some time with my mom.." I explain out of frustration.

"Is everything alright? Who is this?" My mom asks.

Wonderful I'm about to get a boatload of questions about Ivan. Great.

"You must be Mrs. Shay. I'm Ivan Grainger. I'm a friend from school." Ivan says as if he was an innocent little boy. My mom smiles at him.

I could tell my mom liked him instantly at his so called "manners"

"Nice to meet you Ivan. You're such a gentleman." Mom compliments.

"Shoot where are my manners? Here's your seat Mrs. Shay." He explains as he gets up and pulls the seat out for my mom.

I watch both my mom and Ivan in disbelief. I really can't believe this is happening right now. I roll my eyes and mess around on my phone.

"I've gotta run. it was an honor meeting you Mrs. Shay. I'll text you later Audri." Ivan says with a little smirk playing on his face.

"it was nice meeting you too honey." Mom says. I fake a smile at him and wiggle my fingers in a wave.

I watch Ivan leave my mom and I. He turns back and winks at me and mouths "call me"

I couldn't help but smile and shake my head.

"So who is he? tell me everything." Mom demands.

I laugh softly and say "first he's just a friend mom no one special. Two he's in a couple of my classes that's how we started talking."

" Just a friend huh? I saw how you were looking at him, I was a teenager once." Mom accuses me.

I laugh and blush lightly and say "mom he's just a friend."

"Mhmm. Let's eat and go home. You've got school tomorrow." Mom says.

"Aww come on can I stay home tomorrow please, please, please." I beg.

"No tomorrow is Thursday. Stay home Friday deal?" Mom says.

"Fine. Deal." I say. Mom and I eat then gather our stuff and we head to the car. We pile our stuff into the car and drive home.

"Your sister and brother are coming home to visit in a couple days. You excited?" Mom asks.

Hell yeah I was excited I haven't seen those idiots for over two months because they've been caught up with school.

"Yeah can't wait! what day are the coming back?" I ask.

"Saturday, they're staying that whole week." Mom explains. I smile and nod.

We pull up to our house. After mom and I get our stuff inside mom goes to her room and sleeps, leaving me awake. I strip out of my clothes and go take a warm soothing shower. After 20 minutes I get out and wrap my towel around me. I sing softly to myself as I step out of the bathroom and into my room.

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